
has anyone gotten an interview invitation from Mount Sinai FlexMed program this year yet?

you’ll have better luck on http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/

I have applied this year too but haven’t heard anything yet…

@Sunrise95 i was reading last years thread and the first notifications came out on 3/1 and went all the way until like the twenty something of march

@myneighbortotoro Oh I see…maybe this year it’s different? Or maybe the first notifications were actually sent out…

Hey y’all. I’ve heard they go by major, but I head back this afternoon and I’m Biomedical Sciences.

Good luck!!

Hey @theawklife!! Thanks for your update and congrats!!! Good luck with the interview

Hey! @theawklife do you mind if I ask what specific major you are? Are you also double majoring in anything else? Congrats by the way :slight_smile:

@Sunrise95 No problem!!

@myneighbortotoro Hiya!! I am double majoring in Neuroscience and Sociology at a Top 20 school!! (: And thank you!