Flip This House #3

<p>cb, if it’s only to make a couple of bucks, it might be easier to have the Salvation Army or whoever come and take away the “good” stuff. </p>

<p>Unless, of course, you discover the Chippendale table and chairs. That’s something different. </p>

<p>All of us on this forum have children, of course. How sad that this old person has no relatives – none at all. That’s perhaps the saddest part of this whole thing. </p>

<p>Waiting with bated breath…this is my “first” thread to read every day!</p>

<p>We have a friend who is a Fiduciary Agent–he’s a really nice guy who goes out of his way for this clients. I’d say anyone would be lucky to work with you, Coralbrook–fair, reasonable, caring. I’m glad he took your card.
Once the trash is gone, who knows what you could find, it might be worth an estate sale. If nothing else, it would get the stuff out of your way. Good luck with the car!</p>

<p>Likewise… my favorite thread on CC… One other idea for cleanout - my church has a thrift store. They would come and get it and carry it away if you asked… </p>



<p>Oh, this goes to my heart! Who knows what you could be throwing away! A lost play by Shakespeare. A bag of money. The proverbial stack of comic books worth a fortune! A diary historians would slaver over! :)</p>

<p>Consolation, I bet coralbrook would let you come and open every bag in exchange for half of what you find. ;)</p>

<p>I will take some close up pictures of the bags of trash and you guys will probably agree with me. Not worth trying to go through every one of them. I’m afraid that there are quite a few white kitchen bags full of used kitty litter in there. Although it honestly does not smell that bad.</p>

<p>I’m having a problem going into the house because I am so itchy and full of some kind of bug bite every time I get out of the house. I believe that it is hundred of gnats in there because I’m not seeing flies or anything else. But, covered in bug bites right now. Next time I have to be fully suited, respirator and spray myself with Off.</p>


<p>I don’t recall any bug issues on Flip or Flop!!! </p>

<p>Used cat litter?!?</p>

<p>OMG, I hope you didn’t find any cats…</p>

<p>Coralbrook, can you set off one of those “bug bomb” things for fleas/etc? Even if it’s only partial effective, it might be worth it…</p>

<p>I bet they are flea bites since there was used cat litter…</p>

<p>I was going to suggest fleas too…first house we ever bought had a dog (or two) and I’d never had one. This was in the ‘old’ days when we wore panty hose and, every morning when I’d dress for work, I’d end up with fleas trapped between my legs and hose – it was awful! We bombed the place which was very effective. I remembering feeling badly for that poor dog!</p>

<p>CB, count me among those for whom this is a favorite thread. Many of us probably harbor a secret desire to do what you’re doing and get to live vicariously through you. You really show us the reality of what is required and I love how much heart and thought you put into each step. Good luck clearing out the house.</p>

<p>Good morning, today we have two goals. </p>

<p>We have to try to push that car out of the garage and try to jump start it to see if it has any life at all. Unfortunately it is a newer car. Without any battery it is going to be very difficult to control the power steering and power brakes. I keep having a vision of getting the car pushed out of the garage and it just continues straight down the hill and crashes into something, out of control. And, of course, with one of my workers in it desperately trying to pump the brakes or something. Another emergency room visit and some kind of liability nightmare</p>

<p>And, long story… have found a group of college kids that want to make some cash clearing out the house. This should be interesting, they will probably last two hours and then run for the hills. I have spent a lot of time making sure they understand what they are in for, two of them have already toured the inside. Today we are going to focus on suiting up, spraying Off and, at a minimum, getting the neatly stacked paper bags and any other bagged trash out of there. Have no idea when the dumpster is going to show up.</p>

<p>After all bags of trash are out of there, we are going to bomb overnight tonight. I figured it is just a waste of time trying to bomb with all the trash. There will still be tons and tons of stuff in the house, but I see some nuggets of interesting things on the shelves and under the trash.</p>


<p>I know that you all just cannot wait for trash pictures. I have loaded only three pictures that show what is visible when you first open the door. At the Flickr CC Flip Project 3 group.</p>

<p>cb, I don’t see the new pictures.</p>

<p>If you are worried about the car sliding downhill, have some wood blocks at the ready to shove under the tires. Sounds like the dream/nightmare many of us have reported on in the “Repetitive Anxiety Dreams” thread!!</p>

<p>I am so sorry. Forgot to move them to group. I’ll get them loaded properly tonight</p>

<p>OK, the photos have been moved to the Flickr Group. I am teasing you with just the living room views from the front door.</p>

<p>This morning we pushed the car out of the garage. Since the car had no power, for some reason it would not get out of Park. We tried Neutral, but the wheels just stuck halfway out of the garage. But we were able to get it out far enough to jump start it from my truck. It started!! We couldn’t believe it. So we left it right there running for at least 30 minutes. After 30 minutes we drove it down the street and parked it. Turned it off and it would not start again. Battery was so dead it just would not hold a charge. So, I had to run off and buy a new battery (not really my responsibility, but I wanted to be nice). Meanwhile it’ll probably get a ticket since registration expired in 2010 :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I have never seen so many dark heavy cobwebs covering a car, it was really creepy. We couldn’t even see through the windshield. I had to buy a new long hose just so we could drag it over that patio wall up above and spray down the outside of the car. Exterior has some dings and scratches and interior is in very good condition with 92,000 miles.</p>

<p>I gave the Fiduciary Agent an update and he says that blue book Fair value is $2,000, good value $2,200. I told him we need to get the new battery in to make sure that this car will really drive around the block for over 5 minutes. At that point I am allowed to make an offer (I have several starving college students that would like to buy the car cheap). Otherwise he is going to have to drive it somewhere and try to sell it. I have no idea what to offer but I really do not want to get stuck with this car.</p>

<p>DAY ONE TRASH!!!</p>

<p>Well, I found some starving college students that really need money. Lucky, because anyone with any grownup sense would never enter this house !! I sent the ‘lead’ guy to Home Depot with a list of safety Haz Mat stuff we needed. He misread the label on the white cover suits with hoods and came back with only one!!! So the other guys had to improvise (see pictures). One of the kids brought his fishing high boots and his fishing slicker overall things. Hilarious</p>

<p>Within the first half hour they had the entire sidewalk full of stuff while waiting for the dumpster. After one day the dumpster is completely full just with the trash bags in the house and 2 couches. Yikes, I have to get another dumpster really quick.</p>

<p>Bombs going off inside the house tonight and I will walk through and be the bait tester on whether there are bunch of biting bugs left inside.</p>

<p>Oh, my!!! I can’t say you didn’t warn us.</p>