FLL vs. College Admissions

<p>I know that the FLL is a subdivision of the college itself, but I was wondering if there was a higher/lower acceptance rate at the FLL versus the college in general, or if such statistics even exist. I applied EA as an Arabic major</p>

<p>Id like to know this as well. I applied as a double major in poly sci and spanish...I wonder if that would help my chances of admission at all? I know Gtown is big on languages, so I would think it might be a lower acceptance rate??? I hope not though.</p>

<p>I don't think there are any hard statistics on it, but I believe the general consensus is that as long as your extracurriculars and stats reflect a love of language, you will have a good shot. I can tell you that the people I've met in FLL (and I'm in FLL as well) have been extremely passionate about languages. They absolutely love them. If you've got that sort of interest in it then you're good to go :)</p>

<p>kovax - My daughter applied EA as an Arabic major. I thought that might be a rarity. Have you studied Arabic or lived overseas?</p>

<p>I don't think the admissions rates are much different than for the College overall. Males probably have a better chance, since the FLL is probably about 75% female, at least in my majors (linguistics and Spanish). Arabic is probably one of the fastest growing majors, so it's probably getting more competitive?</p>

<p>Shapeofhome, you can't apply to be a double major, that's something you add on afterwards. If you chose Government as your primary major, you would have checked "undecided" on the application, or you would have chosen "Spanish." I don't necessarily think that having a second major or minor in a language is going to especially help or hurt, since about half of the students in the College have a foreign language (Spanish especially) as their second major or minor.</p>

<p>On the application, I checked spanish. but in my essay for the college in included my intention to pursue a double major</p>

<p>"My daughter applied EA as an Arabic major. I thought that might be a rarity."</p>

<p>Surprisingly, it seems like everyone takes Arabic here. There are at least seven other kids (myself not included) on my floor alone that are taking Arabic this fall. It's a very popular major/language here, as we have one of the better departments in the country (Middlebury's is very good as well). The textbooks we use in class were even printed at Georgetown.</p>

<p>Yeah I think that Arabic and Chinese are actually the two most popular languages nowadays at Georgetown. I think I conveyed well on my application my love of languages and foreign affairs in general. I took AP Spanish, AP Spanish Lit, and AP French, and I skipped Chinese I and started directly in Chinese II this year. I also volunteer often at the hispanic center in a nearby town (I know it sounds like I was probably just doing it for the whole "community service" thing but I really just do it to increase my fluency in spanish, and because I actually prefer speaking spanish to english when possible)</p>