Florida International: IB or Finance

<p>I'm transferring to FIU in May. IB seems to be THE major if you're in the B-School. I'm more interested in Healthcare Finance and Econ.</p>

<p>Major: Finance/Econ
Minor: Biomedical Ethics (Philosophy)</p>

<p>My goal is to eventually study law. Eventually. Not straight out of undergrad.</p>

<p>I've been reading around on here and saw that IB isn't recommended as a stand-alone major. Would replacing Econ with IB be harmless? Thoughts?</p>

<p>IB at a school like FIU should be your goal if 1) you speak fluent Spanish, and 2) desire to conduct business in Latin America.</p>

<p>The city of Miami itself is full of international business, but 98% of it is geared toward Latin American.</p>

<p>If you don’t speak Spanish (or aren’t even Latino), I’d stay clear from an IB degree from FIU.</p>

<p>Sometimes I think Miami IS a part of Latin America.</p>

<p>I read, write, and speak Spanish fluently and, although I can play the gringa card, I’m actually Cuban-Dominican.</p>