Florida MSW From NJ

Hi everyone! I’m going to graduate from Rutgers Newark in May, with a BSW & psych minor.

I was planning on doing an accelerated MSW next year, although I’m honestly a bit concerned with the speed of the program. I’m not sure if I’ll get into this program at Rutgers (maybe Montclair?)

My boyfriend & I are now looking to possibly move to Orlando/Kissimmee areas (from NJ) with my daughter once I graduate in May. This is mainly due to his job connections & the lower cost of living.

However, I’m seeing that it takes a year to get in-state tuition in Florida. I’m not sure if this would be a substantial difference, since NJ in-state rates are already quite high…

Is this a strict cutoff? Should I apply to public or private schools?

Are there jobs that I could get with a BSW that would pay a livable wage (for at least a year, before getting in-state rates)?

Private schools don’t usually have an instate v. out of state tuition rate, but there might be scholarships that are available only to instate students. Those aren’t always available to grad students.

Yes, the cut off for instate tuition in Florida is strict on the one year thing. You’ll have to fill out a form listing the date you moved to Florida, the date you got a job, your drivers license, apartment lease/closed on a house, set up utilities, etc.

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So if you’re moving to Orlando, UCF would be your “Rutgers” equivalent.

While tuition isn’t cheap, many grad students get an assistantship or other type of employment and often OOS tuition is waived.

I would reach out to the school.

College of Graduate Studies (ucf.edu)