Florida Public Universities - will their upward trajectory continue?

Florida public schools have been rising in the rankings in recent years.

With such significant changes potentially on the way, will this continue ? Will parents think twice about letting their kids go ? Or will this move some parents to add Florida to their lists ? Will employers embrace or potentially disavow recruiting grads from the publics ?

What will college look like in ten years in the Gator state ?


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Who knows if this even has a chance of passing or was introduced, as many bills are, just to get publicity?

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Actually he owns the legislature.

As an employer I’d be concerned that kids aren’t learning about various cultures, ethnicities and the like. But that’s me.

It’s hypothetical to your point but what do people think about it ?


This would have no bearing, whatsoever, in my willingness to send my child to school in FL. The politics are just that—politics. Whatever is taught, or not taught about these topics is such a tiny portion of the educational experience that it is completely irrelevant.

FL has great schools, and they are relatively cheap for OOS. Hard to argue with the value proposition.


Well, if we are just opining, then I think the bill is ridiculous. I do not understand the provision about trustee control of faculty hiring-they already have that control; all employment decisions would be made under delegated authority of the board of trustees anyway, so that wouldn’t change things. (Thus who is on the board is always important). The rest seems an unnecessary intrusion into academic affairs.

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Feel free to post in the politics forum, but based on the responses received so far, this forum isn’t the best place. Closing.

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