Fluency Question

I was born in central asia, and it had a strong communist influence upon itself, which is why many of us learned to speak Russian. I speak russian fluently at home, however, for college admissions, do I have to take a fluency test? Even though I was born in another nation that used russian, I only lived there for about 5 years and would they believe that isn’t quite enough? If not, what exactly would I have to do to prove proficency in the language? Thanks

Where will you be graduating high school? If you graduate from high school in the US, they will probably assume that you speak English well.

There is a test called TOEFL (test of English as a foreign language). I don’t know much about it.

The US college would be the best to ask what they recognize. There is the equivalent TORFL for Russian; see http://russian-test.com/eng/tests/torfl/.


Nothing. No college will ask you to “prove” proficiency for admissions.

Note however, that many colleges will have a foreign language requirement for graduation, but the colleges which offer Russian will also have their own placement tests.

While true, I’m not aware of any US college that asks for that (or DELE, DELF, JLPT, etc.) for admissions.