FLVS Courses

<p>Hi. I have taken quite a few courses on FLVS so far and would like to know what I should take next. I have taken Spanish I (I will be taking Spanish II soon, though), Life Management Skills, Leadership Skills Development (almost done), Computing for College and Careers (almost done), and Driver's Ed. I am planning on taking HOPE, Personal Fitness, Fitness Lifestyle Design, Spanish II, and some AP courses as well as some more electives (like Reading for College Success, Voluntary Public Service, and Creative Photography). I know it is a lot, but I would like to know you guys' thoughts on any or all of the courses I mentioned above and whether or not they're worth taking. Also, please recommend some AP courses (or any other courses) that you suggest I take from FLVS. I would also like to know if the MOVband is worth buying since that is needed for the Personal Fitness and HOPE courses. Is there any way I can get a discount on it since it is $25? I know I have a lot of questions, but please reply as soon as possible with all your opinions, suggestions, POVs, and recommendations. Thanks!</p>

<p>FLVS Courses:</p>

<p>Do honors and APs for GPA boost
Do regular ONLY if there is no honors/you have an actual interest</p>

<p>MOVBand isn’t required, you can get a modified fitness plan</p>

<p>Personal Fitness and Fitness Lifestyle Design are definitely easier than gym on school campus. If you want to learn something a little different, there are the Latin classes. The grammar is a bit difficult, but I’m having an alright time with it. Also, I’m taking AP Computer Science and while it can be difficult sometimes, it’s cool to learn Java.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for all of your replies so far! I really appreciate them! =) If anyone else has any more info or any additional opinions they’d like to share, I’d love to hear those as well. =)</p>