Out of curiosity, what is the purpose of fly-in programs? Most of them (MIT WISE, Voices of Tutfs, UPenn PEEP, etc.) apparently have an application that requires your personal info, grades, test scores, and their own essay prompts, so essentially a college application less ECs and awards. Yet judging from their descriptions it sounds like a fancy information session over multiple days and geared towards the socioeconomically disadvantaged. I would really appreciate some background info because I don’t fully understand the hype over fly-in programs. Do they come with a guaranteed acceptance?
Which they pay for.
Self-serving or not, it is an opportunity for low-SES students to visit a college that they might not otherwise be able to. And no, it does not come with a guaranteed college acceptance.
Interesting - I’ve heard that some of them are not only free but also include fee waivers for the actual application.
And do you have any explanation as to why people treat admission to fly-in programs like actual college applications? I’ve seen entire threads of people obsessing over them.
Fee waivers for the actual application are very easy to get, certainly with less effort than applying for a fly in program.
As for the interest in the programs, I will leave that for someone with better knowledge of the topic.
Because many of these programs are aimed at the same groups of students the colleges are trying to enroll.