Food at AU

<p>So i’m almost 90% sold on going to AU. I’m going back to visit AU in the up coming days, but i just wanted to get a feel from others about what they feel about the food. Being a picky eater (interested in a healthy life style, but still likes a good berger now and then) I want to know what people think of the food because food is important, and if a campus has crap food, there is NO way i’m going.</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback! ;-)</p>


<p>AU is considered one of the best</p>

<p>When I went the food was pretty good. Most of the stuff was standard, but they have some pretty healthy stuff. The vegatarians are pretty vocal, so there are many veagan and healthy choices. Also, just down the steet (you take the shuttle to the metro stop) is a whole foods, which i think you can use your eagle bucks at. That has a whole bunch of healthy foods, and can break up the constant dining hall thing.</p>

<p>The dining hall here is pretty good and has a lot of variety. It just gets old going there all the time, but you can use your meal plan at a place where you can get boxed lunches (sandwich or salad, fruit, chips, etc.), Chickfila, and in the tavern (pizza, burgers, wraps, etc.).</p>