Food on the floor?

<p>What are ur experiences with food on the floor? I guess ...unless its not really a solid i wont eat it if i didnt personally dropped it....but otherwise yes........this started out with me not caring as a little kid...and recently of science reports i've read that the bacteria wont hurt you.............what do u do/think?</p>

<p> brother was watching Mythbusters a while ago and they were tlaking about the "5-second rule"...kinda grossssssss......:)</p>

<p>if it touches the floor for even a second it's in the garbage :D im a germaphobe. I throw away pens after I lend it to someone.</p>

<p>that episode sorta reminded me of it.....but they just measured the amount...that doesnt mean it would hurt u</p>

<p>oh my god my friend is freakin crazy...he brings purell everywhere with him...and at fast food places..he picks up two case he drops one on the way to the table</p>

<p>that is weird. i use excessive amounts of napkins, and I eat fries with a fork. or anything with a fork. whats on my hands is probably more disgusting than the floor. (depending of course)</p>

<p>true...unless sum1 just gave birth on the floor.........thats actually a little unpleasent........nm then</p>

<p>ewe, now i think i wont be able to eat off the floor. much thanks. gross gross gross, all that stuff. ewe.</p>

<p>congratulations Weedboy, you have once again successfully grossed/scared/ freaked out every person on a thread. You deserve a medal or something :p</p>

<p>haha.....i should get paid for this!</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>(bottom of the first page XD)</p>

<p>haha thats right...not so crazy now!</p>

<p>depends on how clean or nasty the floor is lol :D</p>

<p>if its pretty clean i'll apply the 3 second rule :D if its nasty its garbage. :P</p>

<p>it also hungry i am...and how good it tastes!</p>

<p>hah tiro, my favorite was the dasani one.</p>

<p>Weedboy- Monmouth County?
Thats my county :)</p>

<p>sorry.....Mo as in Morris</p>

<p>if the floors clean and the food is "contained" i will eat it. for example, if i drop a skittle i will pick it up and eat it. but if i drop mashed potatoes, or something liquidy-ish like a pineapple slice, i will NOT eat it no matter how spotless the floor is. because dust could attach... and,yeah never mind lol</p>

<p>Squish factor is to not eating as bounce factor is to eat it quickly huh?</p>

<p>uh... sure. lol (yeah i think u got t)</p>