Food Reviews

<p> is the food at the USMMA?</p>

<p>my boyfriend told me that had grilled cheese for lunch the other day...
who serves growing, hard working guys and girls grilled cheese for lunch? ....thats like a snack, not a meal.

<p>The food varies from day to day. Usually everyday they serve chicken and rice and yeah the food generally isn't that good...</p>

<p>yeah it's pretty's interesting some of thethings the try out on us.</p>

<p>the food isn't disgusting. it's edible most of the time, just not the most exciting. lots and lots of the same stuff. it's getting better as the year goes on, but every now and then they'll throw something in that is just downright disappointing. at least they're trying now.</p>

<p>Yeah the food has always been bad, but there are a few days that I lived for: Chicken wing day and chicken nugget day always made my day. I also liked the chicken ceaser salad.</p>

<p>Even the "brown meat" taste like chicken I hear. Mmmmmm! How many brand new Mids have checked out the Seafarer yet? ;)</p>

<p>Hey, you guys are kinda rowdy up there. Sounded like a prison last night. I thought somebody was being killed by the sound of it. And who laughs like Elmer Fudd? That was hysterical. Kinda glad the break is coming I take it?</p>

<p>Want good food? Come to the award-winning CGA ward room at Chase Hall. :D</p>

<p> can steal away the chef???</p>

<p>Sounds like a great idea for a spirit mission for the new incoming Plebes.
I think perhaps the CG kids get "brown meat" too though. Might should leave the guy right where he's at. :)</p>

<p>i swear its not chicken its sea gull have you noticed we live so close to the sound and there are no gulls....</p>