<p>I just got accepted to UNC and my favorite sport is football. I would like to go to a school where people are enthusiastic about football. I'm from california, so I am not that aware of UNC's football culture. I know that the team is on the uprise with their new coach, but are the students and the school very into football?</p>
<p>It is fair to say that UNC students are into every sport, especially those with a winning team. I also got accepted to UNC, and I am in-state so I have been to several of their football and basketball games over the past few years. Football was a major event in the fall, with UNC’s bowl game selling out fairly quickly. Obviously UNC isn’t an Alabama/Auburn/Penn State/USC (you get the point), however UNC football this year was definitely a big part of the school.</p>
<p>thanks alot</p>
<p>UNC football did its job this year in holding my interest until basketball season. It’s nice when we’re good, but I’d much rather see UNC keep Roy over Butch, and I think that’s the general opinion of the student body here. Not to say football is completely ignored here, it’s pretty big in September and October and it sold out quite a few games in the beginning of the season, but come November/December, football gets easily upstaged by basketball. You hear much MUCH more about UNC being a basketball school, because that’s what it is.</p>
<p>Football season is really fun. While Basketball is even bigger, the football season is a major attraction all fall. Because many of the first basketball games are teams that carolina beats handily, I think the football season really has no competition during their season. I remember tons of people leaving the Basketball game vs Penn to watch the UNC vs maryland football game on TV. </p>
<p>Also, it looks like Butch Davis(UNC’s coach) is going to make Carolina very competitive in the coming years. Carolina has the #6 recruiting class in football this year.(according to rivals.com)</p>
<p>Don’t worry about sports. There are more than enough athletic events to watch.</p>
<p>Oh I would definitely say we are into football. It was a fun season. :)</p>
<p>Football was great this year. I think that every home game actually sold out, although there were a couple noon-rain games that had some empty seats because (a) it was early and (b) it was awful weather. This season was great though, the enthusiasm was incredible. Highlight of the year for me was the night-time UCONN game, Kenan was rocking that night.</p>
<p>ND game was a lot of fun too…but because we came back to win that one!!! They showed the end of the MD game in the Dean Dome after the Penn game…when we lost there was a wailing and grinding of teeth that I had not heard in a very long time…but not quite as big as when we lost to BC in basketball…I was in the risers and that was painful.</p>
<p>UNC football is a lot of fun. UNC basketball is quite possibly the absolute best basketball there is (in terms of just having fun). I’ve yelled myself hoarse for both basketball and football. But losing at basketball gets me cranky, not so much football.</p>
<p>Maybe you should have ended your comment with the word “yet” since UNC football has not been a top attraction since Mack Brown left over ten years ago but is headed that way soon. :)</p>
<p>The decision to hire Butch Davis as well as to expand Kenan Stadium (still in my opinion the most beautiful setting for a stadium I have ever seen) was a major statement by the school and administration that football was important and could stand side by side with basketball on the national stage. They can use the example of Mack Browns’ new home the U of Texas where the opposite took place…being able to put BB on an equal footing in a football crazy school and state.</p>
<p>When all the dust settles and Butch pulls in a top ten and possibly top five recruiting class this year it will only mean great things are ahead for those of you who will still be in Chapel Hill for the next few years.</p>
<p>good stuff to hear. i was really reassured with UNC’s season this year. I’m a huge football fan but my favorite schools are all huge basketball schools…</p>
<p>…yet. :-p</p>
<p>I enjoy the Football games much more than basketball games. I tend not to like basketball games as much because you get a lot of these “holier than thou” type fans, a lot of whom barely even know the rules yet will yell at you and accuse you of not being a “real fan” if you don’t participate in every single cheer/chant and stay til the better end of 40 point blow outs. I obviously don’t have any problem with the people who do enjoy all the cheers and things, but they shouldn’t assume that just because some people don’t enjoy that stuff that it means that those folks care less about the team or are somehow lesser fans.</p>
<p>Also, it kind of bothers me when people act like the world is over when our basketball team loses one regular season game, but then don’t care when the football team loses. The fact is that in the scheme of the season, that basketball loss means absolutely nothing at all, while one football loss can remove you from the conference title picture completely. </p>
<p>Didn’t mean to turn this into a rant. Sorry.</p>
<p>Yeah…it actually p.o.'d me a bit at the BC game where the guy behind me kept calling Tyrese Rice on traveling when he drove to the basket, when in fact, Rice, wasn’t…I just wanted to say to him, “you’re allowed 3 steps inside the lane, d-bag.” Although he later yelled at the refs “GO BACK TO EUROPE!!!”, which I thought was hilarious. I’ll admit that I’ve always been a huge college basketball fan, even before coming to UNC, so I’m a bit biased. To me, I’ll say the BC loss was sort of like “OW!!! My pride!”, whereas losing in football to NC State was like “…whatever, let’s hit up franklin or something.” It’s true though, we probably would have gotten to a better bowl game had we beat Maryland or State, whereas in losing to BC probably won’t affect our shot at getting into the NCAA tourney much, but if we don’t win the ACC regular season or the tourney, it may make the committee bump us from a 1 seed to a 2 or 3 seed.</p>
<p>Yeah, the only thing worse than people acting like it’s the end of the world when we lose in general are people who then say that it was all the fault of the “terrible refs”, etc. There should be a rule that says that if you haven’t at least played, say, JV basketball in high school, you are NEVER allowed to criticize the refs. It always irritates me when sorority girls whine and scream at the refs about contact that, while it may be a foul in the strictest sense of “the book”, anyone who has any actual playing experience knows is not a call you are ever going to get. Similarly, there are other types of contact that don’t look particularly foul-worthy, but are easy calls that the refs will make every time.</p>
<p>These are the same folks who show up at Woollen for pick up and call fouls every time they’re so much as touched. But I digress…</p>
<p>Hahaha. Either that or be able to prove that you have some knowledge of the game. I was never good enough for my JV team…but I played the video games a lot (hahaha I know that’s no substitute, but I was able to learn some strategy at least)! :-p</p>
<p>football is really big at unc. this year it was so popular you actually had to enter the lottery for tickets, because more students wanted to go than could fit. i am from tennessee so i’m very familiar with SEC football (especially ut, uga, and auburn, which are all huge football schools), and while football at unc isn’t as big as it is at those schools, i would say for the students it’s almost as important. and the stadium is right in the middle of campus, so everyone goes really. the games are DEFINITELY fun.</p>
<p>If I’m not mistaken, there’s a lottery every year for tickets to the NC State game, and everybody I knew that entered the football lottery got tickets.</p>
<p>Sorry, I’m not intentionally trying to say that football isn’t big at UNC, every sport is big…it’s just I’m rather biased towards basketball. :-)</p>
<p>haha my boyfriend (a junior) is the only person i know who didn’t get an N.C. state ticket…</p>
<p>is there a chance that i wouldn’t get tickets as a freshman or beyond…also how is the tailgaiting?</p>
<p>how is getting tickets for all sports?</p>