Football practice started today. ONLY 29 DAYS AWAY!

<p>It’s like waiting for Christmas morning when you’re 5 yrs old. Do they sell Advent Calendars for the opening of football season? :-)</p>

<p>^^^I dunno, NJ, but how about we market a set of Bama football Advent Calendars with matching pre-season lobster bibs?</p>

<p>I am looking for one of those posters that show the schedule. Anyone know where to buy one?</p>

<p> (Alabama Athletics) sent an email a few weeks ago about buying multiple schedules to advertise ones business, so they may be able to help.</p>

<p>Woo Hooo!!! We too have been counting down the days. Can’t wait to get up on Saturday mornings…turn on ESPN College Game Day. We will be heading down to Mizzou to watch the Tigers play but also will be in Tuscaloosa for the Arkansas game…maybe another one as well. Our local high school is having 2 a days…when you stand on our deck you can hear the whistles at 5:30 am…I miss those days! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>MABama, as SeaTide said there was an email that went out from offering them. You can get them customized for a business or you can just order one for personal use. I’d check it out and see if they’re still selling them.</p>

<p>You’ll probably be able to pick one up at the SupeStore, Bama Fever, or Alabama Express as well when you drop your son off for the start of classes.</p>

<p>Malanai, you design the calendar and do all the work and just cut me a check for 50% since it was my idea. Deal :-)</p>