Football seats

<p>Hey, I just went online to buy some season tickets and there's a thing where they ask if you want to sit next to other people you know. Any of you guys interested in creating a seating group for football games? If so, just post on this thread that you're in, and if there are enough posts, I'll start up a section and stuff.</p>

<p>Sounds good to me. I just got that postcard in the mail about the football season tickets. Anyway I'm interested, count me in</p>

<p>put me on as a maybe....i'm just gonna see what the other people from my school are doing first......</p>

<p>my friends and I have made a group (Around 5 people atm), we're mostly guys (one girl) from New York City and would love to have other people in our section! PM me for the group name and pword : ]</p>

<p>OMG. A college confidential football game group. Mike...NO WONDER YOUR IN HONORS..SMARTY-PANTS. </p>

<p>Idk yet about me...when do you need to know by.</p>

<p>Kenny, I don't even know what to make of that comment. Your grammar isn't even correct. Alright CC'ers, should we get our own group or join jimmy's? I'm down with whatever. Jimmy, can your group hold us all if we join yours?</p>

<p>Its wasn't sarcasm....I truly think it was a good idea. </p>

<p>And technically..that would be spelling, not grammer ;-P</p>

<p>what the heeeeeeell r u guys talking about? lol</p>

<p>Ironically, Kenny wants to tell me about the distinction between spelling and "grammer" and he spells GRAMMAR wrong. nice one kb. Ninja has the last laugh. So umar, gonna go to some football games?</p>

<p>LOL wow, nice change of subject in the last line. Yea I'll go to the games, but i dont know if a season ticket is worth it. Am I really gonna go to EVERY SINGLE game? The only 2 i will definitely go to are the OSU vs Michigan and Notre Dame vs Michigan games.</p>

<p>I might be interested but also don't know about the season aspect of it.</p>

<p>Even if you guys only go to those two games, it's still worth it considering what you could probably sell them for....anyways, the point is that marginal utility of attending even those two games is far higher than $157, plus you get the option to go to more. Join me peoples!</p>

<p>Jeez Mike....ya cut me...ya cut me reel bad.</p>

<p>Give me a brake man....I don't reely use my spel cheker on hear anyways!</p>