Foote Fellow and/or Gables

<p>Did anyone who was denied Singer/Stamps receive Foote or add'l money i.e. Gables for 4K?</p>

<p>Everyone that attended the first weekend is a Foote Fellow. I believe we (those of us who didn’t get Singer or Stamps) all should have got the $4,000 as well, but I’m not sure. Foote Fellows though, definitely yes.</p>

<p>I was mainly curious about the Gables as I hadn’t seen anyone mention it as of last night. He got it.</p>

<p>Anybody know if Gables is renewable, or just a one time shot to reimburse travel expenses. We came so far I’m sorry to say it won’t cover ours.</p>

<p>And it’s not showing up on his myUM, just the University and Miami Grant from before. Still sulking.</p>

<p>Gables is annual…4000.00 per year. You will see 2000.00 per semester on the “bill”. Disappointment of not getting Singer or Stamps is probably natural, but when I think of how many of my D’s friends got less than University scholarship and are really struggling to afford Miami and are so envious of Foote status, it puts things in perspective. The Foote Fellows are soooooo lucky to be able to study what they want all the time!</p>

<p>Also, I don’t believe anyone’s myUM has changed yet as a result of the Singer/Stamps weekend. I know mine hasn’t at least, and I was awarded Singer. So just be patient, it’ll come :)</p>

<p>My Gables scholarship is there now… it wasn’t this morning. Also they replaced my $11k Coral Grant that had previously disappeared for unknown reasons.</p>

<p>D’s Gables is also up and everything else remained the same! So grateful!</p>