Foote Fellows Questions?

I was offered an invitation to attend Singer Scholarship Weekend. I know the Singer Scholarship is a full tuition scholarship, but I already have tuition expenses covered by other scholarships, so I don’t really need the money. However, I am extremely interested in the Foote Fellows Honors Program, as I want to double major (Computer Science and Marine Science) and potentially triple minor (Mathematics, Business Technology, and Software Development) and FF removes my GenEd requirements making that much easier. Does receiving an invitation to the Singer Scholarship Weekend mean acceptance to the Foote Fellows Program?

Not sure that it’s automatic but it is in play. Daughter didn’t get the Singer but did get the FF after attending one of the weekends in 2012.

Around 90% of the people who attend the weekends receive an invitation to the Foote Fellows Program.

What weekend? Family weekend? And where did you get the info about 90% got Foote by attending this weekend?

@snicks1234 Many people who attend the scholarship weekends in February and March receive the invitations to the Foote Fellows Program.

Didn’t know about it. Is it still possible that I may receive an invitation? Or should I contact them about my interest?

Oh, I see. The scholarship weekends are by invitation also?

When would you expect an invitation to foote fellows if you were going to get one? After enrollment or at notification of accetance?

My daughter received an invitation in January, I believe, to attend one of the three scholarship weekends. She was accepted early action to UM. About a week after attending, she received notification of acceptance as a Foote Fellow.

I posted separately but haven’t had any responses so I was hoping maybe someone here knows the answers – my daughter was accepted as a Foote Fellow in the School of Education and Human Development (she will be a sport admin major). Are there certain classes she would have to take as a Foote Fellow? What specifically is required? I can’t seem to find info on the website (shows the perks, which seem great, but not the requirements). Thank you!

My understanding is that the Foote Fellows are not required to complete the general education requirements or the cognates. Apparently, this is a really big deal because it was discussed quite a bit at the scholarship weekends. It provides a great deal of flexibility in their scheduling so the student can double major, add minors, etc. My daughter was also told there are special seminars, advising, etc., that take place throughout the year. I can’t think of any requirements that my daughter has mentioned.


Also, check this out:

Thank you so much @sdteak! sounds almost too good to be true!