For A Friend, Not Me, VIEW PLEASE

<p>This is not for me, this is for a friend who is really upset. He doesn't think he will be able to get into MIT and he really wants to know what his chances are.</p>

<p>He's third in our class with about a 4.33 GPA
4.0 GPA UW
2270 SAT
790 SAT II Math
650 SAT II Physics (this is where he thinks he's dead)</p>

<p>He also doesn't have any leadership.</p>

<p>Is there any AP Physics on the curriculumn with a 4/5 on both section? That might cover the low SATII Physics score.</p>

<p>We need way more information than that!</p>

<p>MIT seems to care quite a bit about extracurricular activities (obviously math/sci-related). You can’t just give us his quantitative stuff and expect a real answer. I mean, those scores/grades put him in the ballpark, although the Math II should be an 800 and the Physics should be 700+ for MIT, but we need a lot more.</p>

<p>How big is your class, and how fancy is your school?</p>

<p>any research or EC’s?</p>

<p>Your SAT II Math is perfect; the issue is SAT II Physics. According to our D’s GC no one item on your application can make or break your cases. Top schools look at the application as a whole and if the overall feel of the application is great then the individual items are not that important.
So unless the whole picture is clear about your friend it is difficult to gauge the effect of this one single item which on its own is not that big of a concern.</p>

<p>Those test scores are quite good – so good, in fact, that they won’t really care about them at all. (Okay, the 650 should probably be a little higher, but just reading through one of those Princeton Review books can really help. My physics class was solely kinematics, but I read through the PR Physics SAT II book and got a 780.)</p>

<p>But yeah, test scores are far from important in MIT decisions.</p>

<p>sure. he did take AP Physics C: Mechanics got a 4.</p>

<p>his ecs consist of policy debate (four years)
hockey (four years)
community service (100 hours)</p>

<p>then… that’s pretty darn good, and he’s certainly at least somewhat competitive for MIT. but he’s also probably the average MIT applicant. so, his chance? probably a toss-up</p>