<p>Okay, here's the skinny on the Smith English dept. writing programs. We don't offer creative writing as a major, and it's also not really a "program" per se, but the English department is good and they offer classes where you can do Creative Writing. Those are mostly concentrated into nonfiction, memoir, short stories, poetry, and playwriting. They sometimes require you to submit work in advance to be approved for the course, and they are always small colloquia or seminars. </p>
<p>If you are an English major, you can also do a creative special studies, where you come up with your own creative project to work on for the semester with an advisor. THis is a good option for sophomores or juniors who can't take the offered creative courses, or have some big idea. As a senior, you can also do a creative thesis. </p>
<p>Extracurricularly, we have a student paper, the Sophian that anyone can write for (you should, I'm an editor!). It's not the NYTimes, but if you want to do journalism then the most important thing is to start amassing clips and this is an easy way to do it. There's a literary journal published every year called Labrys that you can submit pieces for. The Poetry Center just celebrated its 10th year, and they bring one poet to campus each month for a reading and a q & a. </p>
<p>The bottom line is, if it's important to you to go to a school with a straight "Creative Writing" major or faculty, Smith doesn't have that. But if you'd like to major in say English, or Theatre, with a focus on Creative, you can do that. </p>
<p>I've taken Reading and Writing Short poems and it was a great course. Annie Boutelle, who also teaches crafting the memoir, was fantastic and we had great assignments. We met twice a week, and on one day we were supposed to have read a poem and come in with a reflection on it, and hte other day we were supposed to write a poem in the style or reflecting the thing we were learning that week. Great course, very creative. I've always wanted to take short stories, but never had the guts to submit anything. </p>
<p>The English department is great, good faculty, nice spread of courses, very interesting, and cross lists with Comparative Literature and sometimes American Studies.</p>