<p>I'm studying for SAT Physics, and I need to know RC (Resistance-Capacitor Circuits). My PR book kind of glazed over it too quickly, so can someone either explain it to me or direct me to some sight that does the explaining itself? I just want the basics in terms of relating Voltage, charge, Capacitance etc. of resistors, capacitors, batteries on the circuits. Thanks</p>
<p>Walter Lewin's lectures are great and entertaining (more for AP though):
YouTube</a> - MIT's Videos</p>
<p>but it's the only site I know where you can learn very complicated physics quite easily, provided you also consult a physics textbook.</p>
<p>these animations are step-by-step and i love them</p>
<p>My physics class(Which transfers as the same as the AP physics C(a 5) towards my university of choice) barely went over RC circuits. I mean, we technically did, but it really wasn't that emphasized. But, yes, I believe, just remember the "general behavior" of an RC circuit and you'll probably do fine: Many AP test questions(Especially over the "Advanced topics") are conceptual.</p>
these animations are step-by-step and i love them</p>
<p>HippoCampus - Homework and Study Help - Free help with your algebra, biology, environmental science, American government, US history, physics and religion homework
<p>thanks so much for this :D looks great</p>