<p>Though McGill is somewhat of a better-ranked school, would Skidmore be better for something like English? Also, I got waitlisted for the Fac. of arts and into Environmental Science, so is McGill worth spending a year of my life stuying something I don't want to?</p>
<p>im not sure why you think you will be spending a year of your life studying something you don't want to. Can you explain?</p>
<p>Did you apply for Environmental Science? What has changed in terms of interest since when you applied and now? English is a good major, but why don't you use the year to get exposed to biology, economics, and other disciplines. I have great respect for the English major; however, I think it's best combined with a science or social science.</p>
<p>But if you just really don't feel like studying that now, don't -- and go to Skidmore if ranking is your only basis for thinking about McGill.</p>
<p>Skidmore is better for undergrad english.</p>
<p>McGill has smarter kids, in my experience, and I've hung around both schools. But there's a lot of dumb kids at McGill, too, and Skidmore has much smaller classes.</p>
<p>It's more the location of McGill that strikes me than the ranking, I'm just not sure a big school would be as good for a major like English. When I say I will be studying something I don't like, I mean that I applied to the faculty of environmental science as a back-up, and I thought it would be more biology related but for the first year there are all these calc and chemistry and phyics requirements that scare the living daylights out of me, because I'm not very left-brained. Thank you though, you've been very helpful</p>
<p>I'm at McGill for English at the moment and though I can't say anything about Skidmore, McGill's program, especially the literature option, is very strong. There are about 20 people in most of my classes and 8 in the poetry ones, so the size is not a problem. The only classes that have about 50-100 students are the required courses, which are really not very challenging.
I hope that helped. :)</p>
<p>I'm interested in an English major at McGill as well. How would you describe the smaller classes? Are they discussion based or what? And what is the deal with required courses--how many are there and how easy are they?</p>
<p>Anything you have to share about your experience is appreciated, thanks.</p>