For anyone who applied to Muhlenberg......

<p>When you received the letter saying that Muhlenberg had received your application, was it accompanied by two other letters/pieces of paper from the school? If you don't mind sharing, what were these letters about? I am very curious about whether we received something that they don't always send. (And no, what I'm referring to does NOT suggest that my daughter is a "preferred applicant.")</p>

<p>From what I remember about two years ago, D received information on applying for two of the three merit scholarships they offer when they sent the letter. The third scholarship does not require an extra application; it’s given out based on the general college application.</p>

<p>According to the website, all students who apply and submit an SAT or ACT score are automatically considered for Merit based aid. According to the site, merit award is based on many factors including academic achievement, extracurricular accomplishments, college essay and demonstrated interest in attending Muhlenberg. An interview is strongly encouraged.</p>

<p>In addition, there are three honors programs, The Muhlenberg Scholars Program, The Dana Associates Program and the R.J. Fellows Program for which students are invited to apply.</p>

<p>Their website ([Muhlenberg</a> Merit Scholarships](<a href=“]Muhlenberg”> has the details.</p>

<p>D did not receive anything extra from Admissions, probably due to the fact that she interviewed over the summer and she sent scores. The coach sent her a media guide however…</p>

<p>Just wondering, have people recieved the application for the honors programs they offer? It said they would come at the end of January and I’m pretty disappointed to have not gotten one. :(</p>

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<p>Liz44 I don’t know if this is what you are taking about but I received an application for the Dana Honors program.</p>

<p>^^Yeah, that’s what I was talking about. Thanks for the info and good luck! :)</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the criteria is for application essays for Muhlenberg?</p>

<p>^^Muhlenberg is part of common app and does not have a supplement…not sure what your question refers to?</p>

<p>i received numerous letters throughout the process from Muhlenberg. They updated me everytime they received different parts of my application…However, i just received an index card size piece of paper informing me that they had received ALL information. </p>

<p>ALSO: My grandfather went to Muhlenberg, but there was no where on the application that I could mention this. I mentioned it in my interview…but would it have helped my chances at all?</p>

<p>Applied about a week back but haven’t heard anything about the status of my application, how long does it take for them to respond?</p>

<p>And when do they start taking admission decisions?</p>

<p>i never got any emails from muhlenberg about my applicaiton, they communicated throughout the process through regular mail, so it was alot slower. You should probably get somehting shortly.</p>