For CA residents

<p>Have you guys sent your Governor's Scholarship to your school yet? If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's the $1000 award(s) for scoring 99percentile in a given discipline on the state standardized tests.</p>

<p>So far I have made $80 from interests :D.. I should hold on to it for another year or so..</p>

<p>you should start sending once you pick your college because it can take a while, The office that deals with these schorlarships is filled with retarded people that do not know how to process papers</p>

<p>how long did it take for you?</p>

<p>2-3 months</p>

<p>Oh that's not that long.</p>

<p>Haha, you're a true CA resident when you can say that 2-3 months of processing time isn't "that long."</p>

<p>it is long considering it is supposed to take a few weeks. I guess it was long for me becuase tuition as due in august and everything finally went through in november</p>

<p>what exactly is this award? maybe I'm just dumb, but I haven't even heard of it. the reason I'm asking is I score pretty high on the STAR test in reading and writing. it might not be high enough, but it would be awesome if it was.</p>

<p>"it is long considering it is supposed to take a few weeks. I guess it was long for me becuase tuition as due in august and everything finally went through in november"</p>

<p>curious, but who says it is suppose to take a few weeks?</p>

<p>They stopped giving this award out in like 2002...because CA went broke. No seriously.</p>

<p>the people that delt with it said it should take a few weeks, that is who said it</p>

<p>No. Your statement is not backed with factual, provable evidence, therefore it is useless for you to say so.</p>

<p>The official website for the Governor's Scholars Award states that "no awards will be granted to students for exams taken after December 31, 2002" </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> </p>

<p>and that awards issued in 2001 and 2002 must be claimed by the five-year anniversary of the June 30th that followed the date of the qualifying exam, i.e. June 30, 2006 or June 30, 2007 respectively.</p>

<p>Those who are curious about the what the eligibility requirements were can find info at <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>unlimitedx, call for yourself please, i have gone through the process myself so dont crap on my words please. Do i need to go dig up some quotes or some numbers for you. You are an idiot, i actually went through the process, they had trouble with my application, it tooks months for them to send my money to my school. What else do i need to say. How bout i give you the number to the financial coordinator at my school. How bought you call the arnold, maybe he can tell you. Dont be stupid, i am giving you advice to turn in early, so you have to come back to me and say give me evidence. Please, ok dont submit early becuase obviously paper application are filed properly everytime. They never get lost in the mail, and the information always gets into the computer properly. The money is always sent to the right place. Yes, everything goes properly OK</p>

<p>southpasdena, a few weeks versus a few months doesn't make much difference for me. I was simply curious how long this whole process would take. My last post didn't turn out the way it should be, and I know you are just trying to give advice. Thanks.</p>

<p>My D sent for it about 3 months ago. There were no problems and the entire process took about 3 weeks. No big deal.</p>

<p>GSP, thanks for providing that link that backs up my statement. Too bad CA went broke. I hoped to try and get more money, but they stopped giving it out.</p>

<p>CA now has a surplus</p>

<p>i got 2 of those, sent them in my freshman year</p>

<p>"CA now has a surplus"</p>

<p>So you're saying they ARE giving them out?</p>