For colleges that require the high school transcript...

<p>My SAT scores are strong. My EC's from the CC are good. LOR's are strong. GPA is 4.0.</p>

<p>Honestly, I've realistically done what I needed to do. I busted my ass. I screwed up in high school. I'm looking into applying to UMich-Ann Arbor for Engineering.</p>

<p>Well...they need my HS Transcript. My GPA was like 2.5 back then...</p>

<p>Would it be easier to just take the test and get a GED and just give them that?</p>

<p>I know it sounds stupid, but seriously, they wouldn't know. Does a GED not look as good as a HS transcript? Idk if UMich will even accept that..</p>

<p>Your question is moot, as UMich will require you to submit all of your transcripts.</p>

<p>any college loves an upward trend, a ‘success story’, if you will. this is a perfect essay topic. i say that you shouldn’t be ashamed of it, you should be proud that you hauled butt and got a 4.0. your GPA won’t even matter as much, if the rest of your application is as strong as you say it is.</p>

<p>I never took SATs, only a couple EC, no LORs, a cc GPA of 3.8, and a HS GPA of 2.5 and I got into Va Tech and James Madison. Some schools (like Tech) just use your transcripts to see if you covered the foreign language requirement in HS, and others (like JMU) look at your HS transcript less the more CC credits you have.</p>