<p>Here is a little thread to actually get to know each other.</p>
<p>Name: Tainter
Location: The BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD, Portland Oregon
Fav School Subjects: Math and Science
Fav Color: Gold, and dark blue and dark red
Fav Dessert: My Chocolate Teddy Bears. I Make em’ nice and chocolaty…
Fav Celebrity: None.
Fav Author: Frank Herbert. Orwell.
Music: Well I don’t listen to alot but Classic rock, hard rock, and alternative mostly
Hobbies: SOCCER, basketball, Reading friends blogs, books, movies, comp games, sports on TV
I’m a man and I bake cookies. REALLY good cookies.
I’m addicted to chocolate.
I’ve been to Japan and know (or actually used to know) Japanese.
Best temperature is 65 degrees F.
Rain is beautiful and I love to play soccer in it.
I’ve never had gum, and never will.</p>
<p>Name: Michae
Location: Port Charlotte, FL
Fav School Subjects: history
Fav Color: blue
Fav Dessert: dessert pizza
Fav Celebrity: none
Fav Author: oscar wilde?
Music: dvorak
Hobbies: SOCCER, learning russian :D, sports on TV
Quirks:i bake cookies too. i could list more, but....
i have a weird OCD i could mention...but i won't (real weird. no REAL weird)
Best temperature is 26 degrees F.
Rain is beautiful and I love to play soccer in it.</p>
<p>Ur rain is woosy rain. I've been to florida. Rain just relieves you from sun. You're still hotter and sweatier than heck. Unless you live in Northern Florida. The Keyes, they suck weather wise.</p>
<p>Another soccer lover... nice. You planing on playing club or tryin' out?
(at Penn)</p>
<p>Name: AJ
Location: Brodheadsville, PA
Fav School Subjects: Math, History
Fav Color: Orange
Fav Dessert: Probably cheesecake
Fav Celebrity: James Dean (doesnt say living celebrity)
Fav Author: Ayn Rand
Music: Everything. And yes, that includes rap, metal, and country.
Hobbies: Billiards, DDR, StepMania, Movies, Objectivism? Who knows.
I'm a man and I bake cooki... yeahhhh. Ooooh... sorry...
I like night better than day.
Summer better than winter.
I'm a lot funnier in real life.
Lacrosse, Tennis, Soccer, Track</p>
<p>Name: Jay Gatsby (hahaha, one of my many nicknames, and my favorite)
Location: Down South in Memphis, TN, birthplace of Rock N' Roll
Fav School Subjects: Lunch and Pscyhology
Fav Color: Black
Fav Dessert: Tiramisu
Fav Celebrity: George Clooney (so old-school, so kick-ass)
Fav Author: Joseph Heller. Douglas Adams. P.G. Wodehouse
Music: Everything except country and gospel
Hobbies: Political blogging, reading, playing tennis, swimming, running, collecting coins and stamps, debating, and philosophical discussions
I'm a man and I bake biscotti. REALLY good biscotti.
I'm addicted to crack. Well, not really. I can quit any time I want. My only addictions are caffeine and chocolate.
I'm insanely metrosexual.
I tell people I follow the ancient Aztec religion and ask them if they are willing to serve as human sacrifices.
Best temperature is 345 Kelvin
Rain is beautiful and I love sitting in Starbucks with a Chantico and watching it.
I still have my tonsils and my wisdom teeth, and have never had measles or chickenpox or any of those other diseases.</p>
<p>tonsils" yep
pox: had it
wisdom teeth: scheduled to come out on Friday 13th 2004 (category 4 hurricane charley), but put that off. til two months ago</p>
<p>-yeah, idk. depends on the talent level. i don't even play a lot for my HS team</p>
<p>no clubs near here. why i couldn't play 'til this year.</p>
<p>in NY, i would've nicked 30 gols a year if they played me at forward, or attacking mid, and thats not my natural position. but i've only played two seasons since 9th grade, so i'm nowhere near where i could've been.</p>
<p>you have xbox 360 and fifa 06? (i don't, but i plan to)</p>
<p>(I don't play video games, I play comp games)</p>
<p>If you want to trade pitty stories dont come to me, cause I have much worse one then you. (I broke leg freshman year, got random eye tumor junior year (+ surgery), and pulled a facia attached to my knee senior year (pretty much I was running too much so I tore my knee up))
now I'm starting new club season</p>
<p>Just if you're curious, I like:</p>
<p>Int: USA (its the USA!) but also Holland
Pre: Arsenal :( why they suck right now?
France: Marsailles
Germany: Something with a K (i can't remember)
Spain: Barcelona
Italy: Juventus</p>
<p>I don't follow much cause I dont have cable, I have 6 channels. And I don't look it up online cause its no fun reading stories about sports. So don't ask me questions cause I seriously dont know.</p>
<p>Name: Victoria
Location: New York City <3
Fav School Subjects: Gym and comp sci. and Math
Fav Color: green, black and purple
Fav Dessert: ice cream
Fav Celebrity: hugh laurie/liv tyler/wentworth miller
Fav Author: Stephen King
Music: video game music
Hobbies: lots. </p>
<p>I know Japanese, Chinese, French and English. Aim to learn Mandarin (and write it) and Russian. </p>
<p>I've fenced for 5 months. I also played the violin for a year. <--random facts :P</p>
<p>Name: Katelynn
Location: Balmer, Merlin hon
Fav School Subjects: History and Government.
Fav Color: Green
Fav Dessert: Peach and raspberry pie
Fav Celebrity: Jon Stewart.
Fav Author: Milan Kundera & David Eggers. Oh. and David Sedaris.
Music: Indie. Minus the popular indie music scene 'if other people like them, they are now dead to me' attitude
Hobbies: Swing dancing, political chatting wtih a bit of debate thrown in, tetris, sleeping, music piracy, witty banter
I'm a woman and I cannot cook. Unless its rice.
My father is a reincarnation of Napoleon.
Making people mixed tapes (well, CDs) is one of my favorite things to do.
I thoroughly enjoy just laying in bed.
I am a librarian Catholic school girl. I wear my uniform to work. I tend to have 40 year old man stalkers
I was born without lower wisdom teeth, meaning I am more evolved than most of you.</p>
<p>Legend of Max: Portland is the best place in the world. 2hr from coast, 1hr from mountain, beautiful chilly cold days, great outdoors area, cleanliness... what is there not to like about portland?</p>
<p>Eckie: More evolved than most of us? Why? Cause you got less of a bite? Its Like saying: I have more nuckle hair than you, so I'm more manly.
Teeth don't seem all that good an indicator of evolved-ness. You need to pick stuff that is more directly related. Chest and facial hair, for example, is directly related to manly-ness. But teeth not related enough to evolvedness. How do I know you're not just mutated???
I Know! Brain size is a better example of evolvedness! Prove your brain is bigger than mine and then I'll admit ur more evolved.</p>
<p>Name: Shelby
Location: New Jersey
Fav School Subjects: History
Fav Color: Silver
Fav Dessert: Blondies
Fav Celebrity: Richard Jefferson<br>
Fav Author: Only read books on sports and sports business
Fav Artist: James Blunt
Hobbies: Tennis, Working Out, Running, Anything active (I am obsessed), Watching sports (my other obsession)
I can't make it through a day without a cup of coffee.
I need to exercise everyday or I cannot think about anything else.
I am a girl and love watching sports and debating them.
When I get into an argument with someone and I think I am right the first thing I say is "Wanna Bet?"</p>
<p>Name: Julianne.
Location: Mullica Hill, New Jersey. Antique country!
Fav School Subjects: Calculus, Biology and Band (totally a subject)
Fav Color: blue
Fav Dessert: chocolate cheesecake, chocolate anything.
Fav Celebrity: <em>agrees with munkeegirl with hugh laurie</em>
Fav Author: Oscar Wilde for my worldly answer, J.K. Rowling for my actual, unworldly answer.<br>
Music: Everything. I just got interested in Opera. But I'm going to be like Munkeegirl and say video game music. I have like 193821 imported CDs from Japan of Final Fantasy music, and others. Maybe that's a quirk?
Hobbies: sitting, laying, sleeping, clarinet, piano, soccer (so much soccer on this thread...I want to play club or intramural), video games, computer games, dancing, singing badly, randomosities.
-I like to play Hava Nagila my brother's Legend Of Zelda-esque ocarina.
-I write my own music sometimes. I wrote a clarinet song entitled "Tendered Beef" (a play on the band song "Tempered Steel" if any of you are bandies) with someone screaming "Hide the children!" in the background. Never performed in public (YET!).
-All of my guy-friends are gay, and hate eachother
-I am from New Jersey and NOT applying to Rutgers
-I live on a farm and the mexican workers scare me sometimes.
-No one at my school gets into Ivy League colleges.
-ShadyMilkman268 is my AIM sn.
-I have a lot of morals. I cannot lie (not really a moral, more a fault). I never drink (I think alcohol is gross anyway). I don't do drugs either. People think I'm drunk many times, with one certain friend, because we laugh at everything, like logs.
-I grew up with Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger.</p>