<p>Anyone yet to receive anything about the college park scholars or is it just me? You have to send the inventory back to them by march 1st.</p>
<p>i’ve heard nothing. this was posted on the scholars website:</p>
<p>Due to weather-related delays, the online Interest Inventory – scheduled to be available on February 12th for invited Scholars to indicate their programs of interest – may not be up and running. We will work expeditiously to make it available in a timely manner. Please monitor this Website for the latest information on its availability.</p>
<p>I emailed the head of the scholars, he says due to weather everything has been pushed back</p>
<p>Did he say when it would be available?</p>
<p>They should probably be online at some point tomorrow.</p>
<p>fresh is the one to go to! </p>
<p>People from OOS should realize that UMD was shut down due to the weather, even the Federal Govt was closed (big deal here), thus, don’t fret, just expect a weeks delay in answers.</p>
<p>I am going to take heat for this, but TAKE A CHILL PILL! If you expect UMDCP to be ahead of the game for the next 4 yrs, you will be FRUSTRATED. UMDCP is a LARGE university and there are thousands upon thousands of students…it is not even in scholars a 1 to 5 prof student ratio. </p>
<p>I understand you want your Scholars programs that you requested, but it is 2/16! It doesn’t matter because you have no control if you sent back your priority list, it is all in their hands and they said 3/1.</p>
<p>If I recall correctly DS did not get notified until mid-March of his Scholars program, he did get #1. AGAIN UMDCP is large, you will not hear until after their deadline!</p>
<p>They’ll be up by the end of the week. During the storm, the servers briefly lost power, which meant that they couldn’t get it online and such. </p>
<p>Keep in mind – it’s not first come, first serve for processing the interest inventories. It’s a matter of meeting the March 1 deadline. If you turn the applications in before March 1, it doesn’t matter if they get it February 28 or February 19. Same difference.</p>
<p>bulletandpima is completely right – this is a major university, and delays happen (especially when we get historically massive snowstorms).</p>
<p>"For students invited to College Park Scholars, the Interest Inventory is now available online! Deadline to complete is March 1, 2010
Log on at: <a href="http://www.scholars.umd.edu/admissions/inviteinfo/index.cfm">http://www.scholars.umd.edu/admissions/inviteinfo/index.cfm</a>"</p>
<p>Is this the actual form for choosing ? How many do they ask you to choose in rank order and is an essay necessary ?</p>
<p>It should be. Since I’m not filling out the inventory, I can’t log in to see for sure what the form looks like this year. They typically ask you to choose at least your top 3. The essay is really just to see your interest in your number one program – if it’s a topic that the student finds interesting, it shouldn’t be too difficult to write at all, and it’s quite short.</p>