For schools without a ranking system

<p>I’m curious as to how the UC system sees the top students in a class if a high school doesn’t rank. Do they just use ELC alone or do they look at all the applicants from the same high school so they can “assign” you a rank? Since my school doesn’t rank, am I not at a disadvantage compared to another high school that uses ranking? I know I’m part of the top 4% at my school, so is this how the UCs rank for schools that don’t rank?</p>

<p>I thought the schools that didn't rank just did that to prevent super competition. In any event, if you're ELC from an accredited HS, you're going to be rewarded for it. If worst comes to worst, I thought test scores accounted for something too >_>;; I think all schools have a rank, but some just elect not to disclose the information. I know the best school in my area (SD) doesn't rank and only reveals valedictorians at the very end of the year to prevent overcompetition between top students.</p>