For the research supplement, do I need a research mentor for my research?

I’m planning to conduct a research project where I explore robots and magnetic levitation. However I live far from universities and can’t have time to drive often to FGCU to work on the papers and have it reviewed. Can I perhaps ask my teacher here who has a phD in literature, or just conduct it on my own and have it peer reviewed online by academic journals and publish it on there? Any tips? I’m really passionate about robotics and such, and want to explore it this summer with a publishing a research project. Thanks.

It sounds like you have a strong interest in a technical area. Can you find an on line class that will help you learn more about robotics? An English teacher, even with a PhD is unlikely to be able to help you understand or find a good research problem in combining magnetic levitation with robotics. FIRST Robotics may be a good way to learn more, if you have such a club in your community. . Find a physicist or engineer in your community to work with and you may find that type of mentor in an organized robotics program. Search on the FIRST website for club locations.

Another idea, talk to the English teacher about an area of research he/she is interested in, and see if this teacher can mentor you in an English research paper. You can then submit that paper to the MIT Humanities contest called MIT Inspire! MIT invites high school students to present their humanities and social science research work on campus
during 12th grade. Even if you later apply to another college, this experience could be helpful if you have
interest in humanities or social sciences.

But if robotics is of greater interest, try to find a mechanical or electrical engineer to help you.

@Coloradomama I can perhaps take the coursera course on robotics. I don’t have a FIRST robotics club here, it’s a small conservative town. And update, I did find one teacher in my school who’s interested in science and technology and has a masters degree, he told me he can be my research mentor and help revise and look over my paper along with conducting experiments. Would this be ok?

Absolutely work with this teacher. Learn all you can and that will help you for your college and career later.

Also strongly suggest that you sign up for your local/state science fair. If your project is good enough you could qualify for ISEF, which is a huge honor, and I’m sure this will get noticed by the admissions people at MIT.