<p>Trust me-it's the most frustrating feeling in the world when you've written this beautiful essay/short answer, and then you highlight it, hit command C, go to Common App, hit command V, and...nothing happens. Who wants to type all of that out again? Who has the time?</p>
<p>So what I did is download a trial version for Internet Explorer for Macs at this link:</p>
<p>http : // internet - explorer . en . softonic . com / mac</p>
<p>Now I know, I know-Internet Explorer's really not a good program at all (like, at ALL.). Nobody uses it anymore. But when I accessed Common App on it, and tried the copy/paste thing again, it worked like an absolute charm.</p>
<p>So there you have it! If you had the same trouble with copy/paste as I did last night, try this, and hopefully, it'll work as well for you as it did for me.</p>