For those of us who are Facebook inept, can anyone help re:roommates?

<p>I used my dh’s Facebook acct to join the parents group on Facebook. I have never used Facebook before. I see the male roommate post with a few comments under it. But is there a way to find a list or search? Or how do I post info about ds? He has a mom imposed deadline of tomorrow to do some serious roommate searching. I am going to have him do it on the honors page (he uses Facebook all the time). But I thought I would look on the parents page, but I am clueless about what I am doing.</p>

<p>Hi Mom…I will PM you.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>@Mom2aphysicsgeek‌, I’m on FB, but I kind of loathe it in general! I just posted to the UA Parents of the Class of 2018 thread introducing myself. Apparently there’s a spreadsheet for listing details, in addition to a post about finding roommates. I’m hoping my son will focus on the roommate search this weekend, but he’s crazy busy. We need to get signed up for Bama Bound too–and the honors sessions are already full. If he gets to the point where he’s ready to focus on finding a roommate, I’ll let you know!</p>

<p>hi @amy9998! :-D</p>

<p>I gave my ds an ultimatum bc he hasn’t thought about it at all and they only have until the 1st. He had a major exam today, so I am hoping that now that the exam is behind him that he will give it effort! I filled out the profile on the page. Here’s hoping the young men think that it is important as we do! :)</p>

<p>Hi LucieTheLakie :wink: Oh these boys of ours!! The spreadsheet is pretty helpful. And of course the profiles that the boys have posted inside the UA housing app itself are helpful also to an extent… Don’t worry about not getting into an Honors Session of BB. Several more experienced parents have said it’s no biggie… We couldn’t do the May ones (graduation is May 30th) and didn’t want to wait until July, so we are in mid-June. There will be Honors students at every BB!</p>

<p>I’ll try to remember to PM you both with his BB dates once we settle on them. He graduates in early June and I’m hoping we can get down there sometime that month. I’d rather not wait too long. Are either of your kids doing one of those Outdoor Action things? </p>

<p>Sounds good! Yes, mine is doing Black Belt Action, one of the three Honors Action programs available to incoming Honors freshmen. They are first come, first serve!</p>

<p>^^^One more thing to nag him about!!! :-D</p>