<p>He found it in his regular inbox.</p>
<p>^haha, ME TOO</p>
<p>@aimeenard: Agreed. this is unbelievable.</p>
<p>For those people just receiving the emails, what time does the email say?</p>
<p>yahoo here…still nothing</p>
<p>I have yahoo, and my decision came an hour after everyone else’s, but it came. It’ll come at some point.</p>
<p>ugh this is so annoying! I have three major tests tomorrow, a project due that I have hardly started, and instead of working on all of it I’m hitting refresh. Epic fail ):</p>
<p>Has anyone who applied to the School of Communication heard back yet??</p>
<p>For those with Yahoo you should check your spam settings. Under Yahoo mail options, under spam, there is an “empty spam folder” option. It needs to be any option other than “immediately empty” or you will not even be able to see the e-mails in your spam folder. It doesn’t help you for e-mails already sent but when getting bulk e-mails it is not uncommon for them to be incorrectly identified as spam. At least if you set it for one day or something other than immediate you can check your spam folder.</p>
<p>My email is yahoo as well! I’m dying of anxiety!!!</p>
<p>Still nothing</p>
<p>my friend has gmail and he got his at 5:01 cdt, i have yahoo… still nothing… i want to know !</p>
<p>okay i have gmail and STILL have not heard anything! (don’t mean to rain on the yahoo theory parade)</p>
<p>HEY EVERYONEEE!!! if you guys have yahoo, switch to the old/classic version and search northwestern. the new yahoo email is much slower than the classic one. go to the right hand side and click options. then choose yahoo classic. and search up northwestern. it will be there!!! i have solved the mystery! haha</p>
<p>how do we switch to the classic version?</p>
<p>Edit: Nevermind.
I tried it and it still didn’t work though =</p>
<p>^I have the classic. nothing</p>
<p>I have classic, too. Still slow.</p>
<p>^^ me too…</p>
<p>hmmm that didnt work for me</p>
<p>Well, it’s been fun waiting for 4 hours, but I should get some sleep before my AP Gov and AP Psych finals tomorrow, blah. Good luck to everyone still waiting! I hope they’ll come soon, or at least I hope we all see them when we wake up tomorrow!</p>