<p>Which school did you get accepted to? What were your stats?</p>
<p>My D has been accepted to USP and MCPHS for PharmD 0-6. Also accepted to pre-pharmacy (2+4 schools) at Butler and Duquesne. Waitlisted at Wilkes due to lack of space. Waiting to hear from SUNY Buffalo and ACP. Stats are 4.0/top 10%/SAT 1150/1780.</p>
<p>Is she considering going to MCPHS or did she just apply as a backup? I have heard good and bad things about MCPHS and don't know what is true?. Do you know anything about it?</p>
<p>MCPHS isn’t her first choice as it’s out of state and more expensive, but it is a viable candidate for her because it’s one of the few true 0-6 schools left (no PCAT). She applied for that reason and because she was fairly confident she’d be accepted. Plus, Boston!</p>
<p>We’ve heard both sides as well, but ACP is also slammed alot and we know many students and grads from there. All of them recommend ACP highly and it seemed small, nice and very well organized when we visited. Haven’t visited MCPHS yet, but probably will in March/April.</p>