<p>for the SECOND essay, they say "The other may be shorter (about 300 words)". when they say "may be" does that mean its okay for me to go to around 500 words?</p>
<p>i kept mine around 300-350</p>
<p>hihi mine was 650. I couldn’t cut it down, so I just sent it. ;-)</p>
<p>I’m pretty tired of hearing all the “length dilemmas”, anyways. My philosophy: If it’s good, and not over 700/800 words, why shouldn’t they read it? ;-)</p>
<p>I would try to keep it within the <400 range, since it doesn’t look good if you ignore the directions. If I’m not mistaken, I think somewhere it says “we expect you response to be around 300 words”.</p>
<p>cuz see the thing is, if you’re using the commonapp they let u make this second essay “around 500 words”. I originally used the commonapp so my essay is basically 498 words.
Then i switched to Princeton Application and suddenly they change it to “may be around 300 words”?? What’s up with that?</p>