For those that have taken ACT multiple times how did your scores change?

My daughter’s scores actually went down. She made a 33 the first time after taking a prep class, but it went down to a 32 the second time she took it. She took it a third time and made another 33. She cancelled the 32.

I strongly recommend lots of timed practice tests and careful evaluation of mistakes. When your child gets to the target score, then register for the real thing. Multiple real tests are stressful and costly, especially when you get to submitting applications. If the school wants you to send all scores and there are four tests on record, that’s $48 per school. Yes, you can cancel ACT scores after the fact but it violates the spirit of “send all scores,” if that matters to you.

The ACT on line test prep was very helpful for my daughter and enabled her to bring her science score up by 4 points. It was well worth the modest cost.

FWIW, my daughter’s improvement for both SAT and ACT tapered off at 4 timed practice tests taken over a six week period. She took both tests once and scored within the range of her practice tests (less than 100 point composite variation of SAT and 1 composite point for the ACT). Of course if your child has a bad test day due to illness, fatigue, anxiety, etc. then repeating makes good sense.

Good luck!

Many very smart kids do get stuck on ACT 29, or ACT 30.

The high HS GPA may be to being such an excellent student.

Some kids are excellent test takers.

I took the ACT starting in February of my Junior year and for the last time in September of my current Senior year.

February-self-studied got a 27

April-did John Baylor Test Prep through my school got a 27

June-did a total of 9 hours of ACT prep classes in a city two hours away; I got a 29

September-didn’t study since before the June ACT. I did study the night before with 2-3 bursts of each subject. Went in positive knowing it was my last time and got a 31!!

My son went from 32 to 33 to 34.

I went from a 26 to a 32 in about a 11 month period.

I went from 34 in Feb to 35 in Sep

Went from a 26(June) to 31 (OCT). Taking in December again. Will update if I get a 33+

Well, daughter just took Dec 2016. She did a lot of self studying. Will be interesting to see the difference. Tutoring starting/with self study in Jan 2017.

I started with a 26 in June. I got a 28 September. I took the December ACT also, so we’ll see how that one goes.

My score went from a 34 to a 35 just from a bit more experience

^^^or luck??

31 (no studying), 32 (looked up a few tips online the night before), just took it again yesterday but most likely got a worse sore even after putting in some decent time studying. Will probably take it again for last time in Jan assuming my score is worse this time.

Guys can anyone help me? I took over 20 practice tests and ended up with a 32 this september (from a 27). I really need a 34 or higher to get certain scholarships. Can anyone tell me if it is possible at this point. My breakdown goes (33 English and Reading and 31 Math and Science)?

No suggestions @Suk2001 but that’s an impressive jump!

I guess work on Math furiously? :slight_smile: