For those who like to plan, spring course list available to view on MyBama

Not sure how long it’s been up, but noticed yesterday that the spring course list is available to be viewed on MyBama. It may not be 100% accurate yet, but for those that like to plan they can begin looking. Students will soon be getting emails to schedule appointments with their advisors.

My son will be doing his final co-op session in the spring, but I always like looking through the schedule. Guess it reminds me of the days when we anxiously waited to get a hard copy catalog of course offerings in the mail each semester.

Yes, times/days of the week and even professors may change! Thanks for posting.

Times don’t change. They are set in stone. Room assignments are most likely not to change, but most are TBA right now anyways. New courses will be added if people start signing up for those classes in October and they fill up really fast. Proffessors and TAs will change, unless it’s a course like diff eq, then the TAs who teach the sections are set in stone at those times unless they get in a car accident and die, then someone else will teach it. Lab TAs change frequently. Some proffessors of 1-200 level classes will change abruptly if they get asked to go to, say, Sweden for the next semester and work on some special project. SOme proffs will even switch classes with one another if they don’t like they class they’ll be teaching. But most of the time, especially for 3-400 level courses, the same proff teaches them year after year.

Sorry, iamfuniswear…times (and locations) DO change, from our experiences over the past 3+ years…I don’t know how you can categorically say they do not…