<p>I'm not going to lie I was probably in it for the lifestyle and money, plus my hands are really dexterous. But after completing my first year in college I realized how much I despised science related courses. I'm not too bummed about having my dream crushed though. But I am a bit unsure of what to do in the future. I mean just last month I was planning to finish my undergrad in biology, go to dental school, and become a dentist BAM! But life's a b**** and I'm sure things wouldn't have gone as smoothly like that. </p>
<p>It's just I don't feel like I have a path to follow anymore. It's not like I don't have anything I like to do, I started a web development firm a few months ago and that's going just fine. But the future is uncertain. I'm planning on majoring in accounting (as a back up plan) and minoring in computer engineering (because its fun). </p>
<p>Has anyone else had experiences with this? What choices did you make? What did your parents think?</p>
<p>First of all, if you wanted to be a doctor for the money, you were a moron. Try paying for 4 years of college and 4 years of med school and then working 80+ hrs a week for 4-5 years residency and not having a salary until you’re 30-32 and being in extreme debt because you can’t have a real job until then? yeah, super lifestyle…did I mention it’s extremely difficult? Or if you were planning to get a PhD, it’s the same crap over again. </p>
<p>Haha I just read that you actually wanted to be a Dentist, sorry. Well, don’t study anything you don’t like! I love my major/minor (Neuroscience and Genetics) and I tried to make myself like Economics and Finance and was miserable. Don’t make yourself miserable. Also, it’s good that you figured this out now, better than 4 or 5 years from now when it’s too late, right? This is a good thing. </p>
<p>You actually like Computer Engineering, that’s great (I would hate it). Sounds like you’re smart and have a plan, but why not major in Engineering instead? You seem to like it more than Accounting. Pays well and you think it’s fun, best of both worlds, right?</p>
<p>I don’t think many kids know yet. I’m taking it one step at a time taking classes I’m interested in and researching careers that appeal to my interests and strengths. Do some internships and do what you love. Things will fall together.</p>
<p>Well I still have interest in medical field, though I’m not too sure about top choice anymore. My local hospital really pushed me away from it, with my food intolerance countinuing etc… my doctor just isn’t taking the right steps etc… yeah never mind, but I’m going to be more open and look at other fields.</p>
<p>Well, being a dentist is just too gross for me. As if I really want to spend all day looking into someone’s saliva-drenched mouth with last night’s half-masticated lasagna still lodged in their molar. </p>
<p>I did used to want to be a lawyer, not for money, though. It seemed like an interesting career choice – but I suspect I don’t have the personality for it and would probably end up crying on the courtroom floor after the judge yells at me. And then I’d get sued for leaving a trail of snot and tears and some poor chump slips on it and breaks his anus. </p>
<p>As for being a doctor, well, my mother is a physician, and seeing what she goes through…that’s something I never want to be. But maybe it’s because she’s in urology…</p>
<p>No, I’m fine with robots and computers. Especially the type that don’t spit, cry or have premature erectile dysfunction.</p>
<p>I’m going to do something science-related, not sure what. I’m thinking:
Research in neurological/genetic disorders
Marine Biology (I’m scared of the ocean so this will not happen)
Writing for a science journal (not for the long-run because I can’t write about other people’s work and not do it myself)
Getting an MD and working in neurology/genetic disorders and doing clinical trials
Becoming a behavioral neuroscientist (this could happen).</p>
<p>Never even considered the MD because it’s too much heartache, until recently. I started shadowing a neurologist and working in a neuro lab. It looks like fun. Sticking people in MRIs, giving them LP’s…(I would mess this up and paralyze them.)</p>
<p>I’m just going to do something with brains and genetics, and that’s as far as I’ve thought about it.
I hope you’ll be happy as a Computer Engineer. I don’t understand computers myself.</p>
<p>I used to want to be a marine biologist, too! But…I actually, don’t know why I didn’t pursue that. I guess I forgot about it, but it still seems like an intriguing career choice. But maybe that’s because I’m (unrealistically) imagining hanging out on a boat all day and prodding at sharks or swimming with Shamoo XXI in Sea World, lol.</p>
You’ve never heard of the job names: “scientist”, “neuroscientist”, “biologist”, “researcher”, “specialist”, “behavioral neuroscientist” or “marine biologist”? </p>
<p>Lol I have such unrealistic images about marine biology too Platts…see I wanted to study whales when I was a kid, and I’m still a whale-nerd. But I would be too scared to go deep-sea diving. I love beluga whales!
I’m doing neuroscience/genetics in undergrad so I’m not sure if that’s good for a career in marine biology. I do go whale-watching in my spare time though and live on the Atlantic. Another potential career: zoologist!</p>
<p>I’m jealous. I wish lived somewhere where I could go whale-watching. In NYC, the closest thing to a whale (that I’ve seen) off the coast is a cruise ship. Lots of cruise ships…</p>
<p>I already know I’d have a freak-out if I went deep-sea anything. I guess I’ll just watch people on the Discovery Channel :(</p>
<p>I go to college in NYC too, but I’m from the Long Island shore. In the summer, there’s lots of boats that go whale-watching and they have specialists on board. It’s really cool cause you can get up close and see the babies and watch them spout water. My family has a boat but it’s dangerous for a small sailboat to get close to a herd of whales, they can tip you over, and that would happen to me. :p</p>
<p>Ah, see I’m on the Manhattan shore – west side. There’s hoards of sail boats, yachts…and those damn cruise ships–always waking me up at the crack of dawn…</p>
<p>I’m in mechanical engineering, where my new (unrealistic) dream is to take over the world with evil pink killer robots. </p>
<p>Or work for NASA. The former is probably more realistic. </p>
<p>I didn’t even know there were whales over here. I always thought they’d be way off land.</p>
<p>Marine Biologists often take part-time jobs as snitches for the National Marine Fisheries Service to make sure fishing boats report bycatch. Don’t do that unless you want to be hated.</p>
<p>The beauty of being a philosophy major is that while it leaves you without any path or real direction, a lot of what you study is things trying to come to grips with that. Sort of a self-fulfilling unit in that sense.</p>
<p>Don’t worry so much about where you’re headed. Enjoy the journey!</p>
<p>I figured out I wasn’t going to be a doctor in 9th grade…and that’s fine with me. I would never want to be a doctor anyway. I’m going into nursing. </p>
<p>Oh, and law? No thanks. I’ve always known I had no interest in going into that!</p>
<p>Dentistry? Honestly, it never crossed my mind.</p>
<p>OP…If you think computer science is fun, that’s the area I’d look at. My son liked his science classes. He hated philosophy. He doesn’t like all the years it takes for medical school so decided on a 5 year physician assistant degree.</p>
<p>Yeah but if you go through med school and come out making $150,000+ a year like most med school graduates do, then paying a few hundred dollars per month for loan debt isn’t that big of an issue…and considering that many, probably a majority med school students don’t finish until they are in their late 20s/early 30s anyway, being on a tight budget for a couple years after graduating isn’t that bad when they will be making far into the six digits. It’s extremely difficult, yes, but if you enjoy science at least you will like what you are learning/doing.</p>
<p>^ If you enjoy science/medicine being the keyword. My point to the OP is if he doesn’t even like this stuff, then it’s crazy to go through that. And even if you LOVE science, medicine may not be for you. You might realize you’re better off as a research scientist or working in a lab somewhere. Or like Toledo’s son and SingDanceRun that you like medicine but a different aspect (Nursing, physician’s assistant, so much neat stuff to choose from). And if you’re after a PhD, then you’re not going to pay off those loans that quickly. </p>
<p>If you don’t like something, the money isn’t worth it. My entire family is in Finance, so they pushed me into an Economics major, telling me I could get a Bachelor’s quickly and then make money right away (and my parents get paid more than doctor’s for doing something far less important, requiring a lot less intelligence or education, although the hours are crazy.) Like the OP, I quickly realized I couldn’t stand that. So it’s good he figured it out now and found out he likes Computer Engineering.</p>
<p>Philosophy is a popular major here and many of them are Pre-Law. I honestly can’t stand Law, but Philosophy majors are about logic/analyzing so it fits I guess.</p>