For those who sent their app the night of Nov. 30

<p>I just called the admissions office and there are saying that it is marked as sent on 12/01 when I know I sent it before midnight on Nov. 30. This worries me because I had rushed everything in hopes of making the priority deadline. I am going to call back and see what happens.</p>

<p>The priority deadline isn’t set in stone. I think you will still be considered even if it was submitted on 12/1</p>

<p>Actually that deadline is pretty well adhered to. Moreover, I had called the admissions office again and they said that it will still be considered for the Nov. 30 deadline as long as it was submitted before midnight last night. What had occurred was that so many people had waited to the last minute including me, that their systems are now overloaded. I keep telling myself that I will not procrastinate again, but I always manage to do somehow.</p>

<p>You should be fine. I literally sent my Illinois, Ohio State, Auburn, and Florida applications 1-2 days before the due date.</p>