<p>Hey. Did anyone take this class recently? If so, how were the prelims in your opinion? Hard? fair? Also, did you think it was essential to have a linear algebra background coming into the class? Finally, did this class require a lot of proofs?</p>
<p>Really? Um on the prelims are there really any proofs or is it more just formuals and the usage of them. Like find the equation of the tangent plane, etc.?</p>
<p>Also, how important is Linear Algebra because I didn’t take it and I didn’t know they were related. </p>
<p>I always thought you were a government major. </p>
<p>Were you actually an economics major? That makes the most sense given the previous post and the fact that you work for a Fortune 500 company (right?). Care to satisfy my curiosity regarding your major, perhaps through PM if you wish to be discreet.</p>