<p>Good choice.
<a href=“http://www.ir.ufl.edu/nat_rankings/us_news/vetmedicine.pdf[/url]...as”>http://www.ir.ufl.edu/nat_rankings/us_news/vetmedicine.pdf...as</a> you can see.
<p>Oooooh, go UC Davis!!!</p>
<p>Wow the rest are in a distant second.</p>
<p>EDIT: Wait, is that public schools only?</p>
<p>Yes it is public schools. </p>
<p>If it were both private and public, Cornell would be #1 , Davis #2</p>
<p>How hard is it to get into their Vet school? :(</p>
<p>man i wish... just to get into their undergrad for animal bio. >.<; I got rejected. =[ I'm appealing..tho...duno how well that will help me.</p>
<p>if you get your appeal in, its better to go into Ani Sci i hear (which is why i am switching to said major from Ani Bio).</p>
<p>Davis' Vet school is considered top tier, therefore it is also a very difficult one to get into. But in all actuality, all Vet Schools are hard to get into. Average GPAs are usually 3.5+ so it's very competitive as well.</p>
<p>"its better to go into Ani Sci"</p>
<p>I've heard good things about the teacher, it's smaller class size. </p>
<p>From a recent pre-vet Davis student who was accepted to a Vet school:</p>
<p>One difference between ani bio and ani sci is that ani sci only requires 2 calc classes so vs. ani bio requires 3 calc classes. Ani Bio requires more work overall. Plus Ani Sci has everything from Cows, to sheep, to horses i hear :D</p>
<p>heh, yea I looked at that a while ago. Fair warning that most people will not be getting in :P In fact it takes some people 2 or 3 tries to get in.</p>
<p>Thankfully, not MOST.</p>
<p>Well MOST go into a different field at that point...</p>
<p>Well, yes, I imagine so...
A pity.</p>
<p>Not really, if one is determined enough and knows exactly what to do to get into Vet school then they should.</p>
<p>Well then, they'd better save each of us a spot :) .</p>
<p>Dam straight they better! :P</p>
<p>Although of course, we should all apply to more than JUST Davis Vet school...</p>
<p>Cornell's, for instance? =D</p>
<p>Sure, whichever school you like or that fit with your pre-reqs</p>
<p>hm... if i wanted to work at a zoo...for instance... would a bio degree suffice?</p>