<p>A thread spurred by the above suggestion by Nickleby…
I hope that I speak for every veteran of the Harvard board when I welcome you guys to our home! If Harvard EA falls through, I will definitely apply to Yale, and like others have said, I’m probably not alone. I suggest we become friends right now…<em>opens arms wide to welcome all</em> :)</p>
<p>sorry but hey if da shoe fits. I mean you have to hate a school that produced george bush! like ceasar said "I come not to steal your hearts" maybe i should apply to yale just to have the bliss of repudiating their offer of admission and telling them i'm goin to harvard instead/...lol its good to be bad. but they did pull off a good prank though. kudos!!</p>
<p>lol...all ivy league prospectives are so funny!<br>
i agree with the george bush part; no offense to yale, though...i firmly believe that w got in and through b/c of $$$, nothing else...
yale is still an excellent school, and i definitely have respect for any students who can pull off such a great prank on harvard students! (kerron, they only managed to pull it off b/c people like us CC'ers aren't at Harvard yet...just wait until next year! :))</p>
<p>Got that right LAgal!! lol I have all kinds of machinations in my brain right now to get back at them yalies!! hopefully ill get the chance to use them come next fall..fingers crossed.</p>
<p>whoa...sorry...lost respect on that one
i did not find that attack funny...:confused:...actually, it just kind of threw me off
how are we to make peace with our fellow ivy leaguers if you keep attacking? :confused: again</p>
<p>yale ea baby..........actually whatever, both schools are clearly good, im def harvard rd, so im not gonna get fervently on one side or another unless i get in to one of them, in which case, GO Bulldogs/Crimson</p>
<p>sorry but hey if da shoe fits. I mean you have to hate a school that produced george bush! <<</p>
<p>So are you hating Harvard too? H also "produced" G.W. Bush. He got his MBA from Harvard Business School. Harvard proudly lists him among the US presidents it has produced.</p>
<p>Interesting that Harvard produced John Quincey Adams (soon of John Adams), while an ineffective president, often considered the smartest president, as well as George W. Bush who was, well, not as smart as J.Q.A.</p>