fordham adcoms lurking on college confidential

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The CC Moderators have posted at the top of the Fordham thread that Peter Farrell is a member of CC, for all to see. Furthermore, many Adcoms at colleges around the United States also support and contribute to CC threads, often to clarify situations or answer vexing questions. I happen to know that the Adcoms of UVa are frequent posters.</p>

<p>In any internet sphere, posters should be aware that their comments are in a public domaine, whether that is CC, Facebook or MySpace or any other website. </p>

<p>The thread that you posted is about a person who is going to attend another University and unfortunately got into a misunderstanding about his intentions with respect to ED obligations. If Mr. Farrell chose to contact him privately, rather than address it publicly here in this forum, perhaps that is an example of discretion being the greater part of valor. It is unfortunate that now that “conversation” has been taken back into the public sphere.</p>

<p>It certainly doesnt help anyone when it appears that is a some sort of personal vendetta on the part of the student to continue this conversation here. I regret an otherwise bright young candidate has chosen to do so. </p>

<p>I wont get involved in that discussion he may have had with Mr. Farrell as that is their private business.</p>

<p>What I will address is the attempt by people on this board of somehow trying to harm the reputation of Fordham University and Mr. Farrell. Its simply wrong.</p>

<p>Now I think enough of this has gone on and I am hopeful that the CC Moderators put a stop to it.</p>

<p>Fordham is an outstanding institution of higher education that is Jesuit in heritage but also embraces its ethics and ethos, and those same principles are embraced by the Admissions Office. While I am the first to say that no school is its admissions team, rather a school is its faculty, student body, all their administrators and its facilities, I am also confident that Fordham’s admissions team is just doing their job, in a difficult economic climate, with record applications year after year, striving to put together yet another blue ribbon freshman class. From everything I can glean, they are well on their way to doing so. </p>

<p>Judging from my daughter’s classmates at Fordham, bringing in top notch talent and even better human beings is something Fordham does particularly well.</p>

<p>Now lets stop this ridiculous carping, focus on the Christmas season and may everyone have a happy and prosperous New Year.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>No offense, just my opinion… but I’m not sure the word “vendetta” is appropriate for what the student was expressing. He has the right to tell other students and CC members to just “beware” and nothing more. I don’t think he posted to start a “vendetta.” Neither do I really think he was trying to “harm the reputation of Fordham University and Mr. Farrell.” “ridiculous carping” ??? Now that’s just rude…</p>

<p>“I wont get involved in that discussion he may have had with Mr. Farrell as that is their private business.” ???</p>

<p>Nocousin, I don’t know you and I’m sure you love Fordham and all, but you just got yourself involved in this discussion so why did you say you wont get involved? I just dont understand…</p>

<p>No offense, but let the dude be himself; I think it’s natural for anyone to freak out when he/she gets an email from an admissions officer</p>

<p>I still think it’s bogus. Anyone can send an email to another cc user, and it’s probably some kid looking to start trouble. After looking at PatM1401’s posts in the Fordham thread there was nothing said that would cause any right minded Adcom to go to such an extreme. It’s all rather silly in my opinion.</p>

<p>I’m going to have to second JamesLee’s comment. There is no way that if the student was telling the truth, that the adcom’s actions or his colleagues could be justified. Yes, it’s typical for adcoms to use CC, it is not typical nor acceptable for them to react in the manner he did and it only reflects horribly on the school.
I’m not sure whether his accusations are true but I hope they’re not.
It is, however, quite unsettling that some people are trying to justify the adcom’s poor action simply because it’s Fordham.</p>

<p>Can someone clarify? Isn’t this about the student breaking his ED agreement with Fordham to attend George Washington instead?</p>

<p>I skimmed the thread but that seems to be the case. However, if I remember correctly s/he is not bound by ED, I think that’s EA (?)</p>

<p>If adcom could use internet sites like FB and CC to pass a judgment on students, then students have just as much right to use it to inform public at large when adcom behaves badly. Assuming PatM1401 said something inappropriate on CC, it is still presumptuous of the adcom to email him directly, because there was no way the adcom could have been 100% sure who PatM was.</p>

<p>Good point people. We might never find out the truth, but I’m gonna believe PatM for what he said. My response earlier was to simply state that I don’t think nocousin shouldve said PatM has a personal “vendetta” against Fordham, which sounded really cruel and unusual to me. Just my opinion…</p>

<p>The student involved posted on another Fordham thread, “Goodbye Fordham” when he advised CC members he had been accepted at George Washington University ED, even though he was accepted at Fordham EA. That prompted another thread having to do with a delay in receiving his financial aid letter from GWU, and a conversation (involving me and others) about whether he could retain his acceptance at Fordham if his financial aid did not come through at GWU. It all became moot when he stated his financial aid offer was eventually received. But then came his first notice that he received an email from Mr. Farrell. I wished the student the best of luck and graciously extricated my self from the discussion seeing as how he was clearly bound to accept GWU’s offer (which he did.) And finally according to the link provided by the OP above, he decided for some reason on Christmas evening to post another thread heavily criticizing “a certain school” (quotation marks mine) and the adcom in question (Mr. Farrell) for the ensuing discussion of whether he would honor his committment to GWU. I found that last salvo on Christmas day to be unfortunate, unnecessary and in my humble opinion like a vendetta, coupled with the OP’s clear attempt to link it back to Fordham and “pin the tail on the donkey.” I don’t think my comments are cruel or unjust, I am just voicing my professional opinion that this entire discussion has been carried too far, and it should have remained a private matter between the student and Mr. Farrell (if in fact the email he claimed to receive was in deed accurate, which I have no reason to doubt that it is anything but factual.) </p>

<p>Adcoms from many schools lurk their threads on CC for good reason. You are all smart enough to figure out why, for providing helpful clarification and to see if accepted students or applicants are misbehaving. Sometimes they find unfortunate commentary and have to deal with it. Your acceptance offer at any university is conditional and a privilege, not an entitlement, a right, or unconditional. Welcome to the real adult world.</p>

<p>While I can certainly take criticism from people on this board, and specifically on this thread, I strongly disagree with those who take umbrage at my attempt to put this unfortunate situation to rest for everyone’s benefit. I have empathy for the student’s initial predicament, later corrected by GWU, but I have a hard time with the last swipe he took at Fordham on Christmas day and I have no earthly notion as to what motivated that lengthy commentary. I am involved because I answered the initial thread of “Goodbye Fordham”. If you had done your homework you would have seen that.</p>

<p>And yes, I am quite loyal to Fordham though I do not go there, do not work there. I am a parent of a student there. I also understand that particularly in these enormously stressful times for the entire country, people can and do make mistakes. Everyone is human and I make plenty of mistakes myself on a daily basis. I just want this nonsense stopped now. What happened is over. The student is going to GWU and his private conversations with Mr. Farrell should remain private. </p>

<p>This all resulted from a misunderstanding, which in the circumstances of when he received BOTH offers from GWU and Fordham was very understandable, at that time. But I object to the OP now trying to continue to bring this to the Fordham thread. This is not a game of “gotcha.” College admissions are serious business for all the parties involved.</p>

<p>Good Night and Good Luck.</p>

<p>nocousin: “pin the tail on the donkey”? Looks like the donkey in your analogy is you. Did it hurt?</p>

<p>I am a parent here, not associated with Fordham in any way. Students make mistakes on the Internet by posting inappropriate pictures or messages, and they often pay dearly for their mistakes - rejection from school or job. We know many adcoms lurk CC to make sure there is no misinformation on their schools. One in particular that comes to my mind is Tufts. He/she would jump in to answer questions every once in a while. I personally (not professionally) feel the adcom here has acted inappropriately, I do feel they need to be held at a higher standard. If a student has posted something inappropriate on CC, the adcom should have used the forum to correct the poster. By emailing the poster directly is passing a judgment without proper due diligence.</p>

<p>I think Fordham administration needs to examine the situation and decide if Mr. Farrell (if indeed if it was him that sent out the email) has acted appropriately on behalf of the school.</p>

<p>I agree with you completely!</p>

<p>Whoever makes prelimiary judgements on this is wrong. We don’t even know how factual the information is. If this communication between school official and student did in fact occur, then it was meant to be a private matter from the school official’s point of view. If this student is choosing to make this matter public, then I don’t appreciate how he/she is trying to manipulate the situation by giving minimal information. If this is going to be public, then the student should simply do a copy/paste of the email that was received and allow the reader to come to a decision based on the email that was sent. This is not happening and makes this whole situation suspicious since we are receiving filtered information from the student’s point of view. Unless I’m given access to All of the information, I cannot make a fully educated and reasonable judgement - and neither can anyone else on this board.</p>

<p>But I can tell you this, with knowing Fordham for 25yrs as both an alum and a current parent, and interacting with the current dean, I’ll give the benefit of the doubt to Fordham’s admission dean any day over that of an anonymous 12th grader.</p>

<p>Agreed 100%</p>

<p>Amen Willy … now can this tiresome thread just die and RIP.</p>

<p>Happy New Year!</p>