Fordham University Early Action Decisions Fall 2023

Thank you! I’m over the moon!

My son was accepted EA to Rose Hill today and received the Recognition Scholarship (full tuition). We are super excited for him!


I just got deferred from Fordham Gabelli Business school.
My stats are 3.3 UW but I think my extracurriculars are fairly decent. A

Any chance I can get accepted through RD?

Any tips on how to write their deferred prompt?

rejection haha
Rose Hill Environmental Studies Major, international student, and wasn’t planning to go to Fordham considering the offers I’ve already received
My bestie(whose ib grade is slightly lower than mine) from the same school got accepted so I’m super happy in anyways

My daughter was EA and did not receive any merit info as of yet.
#2 in class
102 weighted avg
HS intern at Cold Spring Harbor Labs
6 Nat’l Honor Societies
Student council all 4 years (Executive Board)
12 season athlete (not D1 competitive though)
Leadership Club

Expecting at least some merit aid


D23 accepted for Rose Hill, 33 ACT, 3.98 unweighed, full IB, tons of EC. No merit in letter, but holding out for Tuition Exchange (super competitive, though).


afaik you hear from that in April

Congratulations to your son! Do you mind sharing any stats? Mine was also a National Hispanic Recognition applicant but did not get the scholarship.

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Same with mine

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Where in my post did I “cast blame on the school?” I merely stated her stats and that she was deferred and that she was disappointed. Her essays are fine. I don’t want to give too much away, but she has been accepted to other schools with good stats and a full merit scholarship and is also applying to ivies. However, she had real interest in attending this school. It wasn’t a “backup” application. I don’t intend to have her do the deferred admission, but we’ll see. You should love the school that loves you back. Fordham can admit whoever they want and give scholarships to whoever they deem appropriate. But to defer someone with my daughter’s stats and background is telling her they just don’t want her at the school, which is too bad because she really liked Fordham.

I wasn’t referring to you, I was referring to fiftyfifty’s mention of yield protection. I’m sorry it wasn’t clear. I edited my original for clarity, hopefully? Sorry about that.

Also, the “backup” comment wasn’t’ me.

This is really surprising. Sorry for her but a full ride is amazing! Hang in there.

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Someone on a Facebook page said they emailed Fordham to confirm that notice of all recognition scholarships went out with acceptance letters and it was confirmed as correct. There is still a chance of merit for these students with financial aid packages, but not the full tuition awards. We won’t rule it out until we see the full financial aid package but Fordham probably won’t fit into our budget limits. My son has other good options so staying positive.


honestly, that is going to be tough for Gabelli. My son was deferred last year with a 3.4 but for biology and was accepted. He went. He is now applying to transfer to Gabelli. I haven’t heard the status of that. But he reached out to the AO, sent more letters of interest in got straight A’s in honors and AP classes his senior year.


I hope every parent on here reads the book, “who gets in and why?” It is a relatively quick read and will help you help your kids so much with their expectations and yours. For higher academic schools, and recently I think we can say Fordham (at least Gabelli) is somewhat more selective, applicants who are deferred or rejected have stats similar to those who were accepted. There are simply more qualified applicants than spots. Fordham is often the back up to Ivies and NYU etc… They view applicants based on what the school needs (a bassoon player for the band instead of a flute player etc). There is nothing our kids or us or naviance can offer us to understand what the school is looking for at the moment their application is reviewed. My daughter got in ED to her top high academic and is going there so she has declined the Fordham offer and withdrawn all other pending applications. She got no merit aid to Fordham and almost a full ride to her ED school. Stats wise she should have been competitive for all the merit scholarships - but she showed little interest and my guess is her lack if enthusiasm came through in her application. Also,recalculated GPA’s and where you fall in your cohort of other applicants are huge factors. Grade inflation across the country is a real thing. So admissions are aware of that. College admissions is becoming less and less a meritocracy, for good , although “unfair” (for kids like mine) reason, is because each applicant is viewed on what they did with their opportunities in high school. My kid who goes to a private boarding school had every opportunity in the world, but a kid who couldn’t take calculus in high school bc their public school didnt offer it are going to be evaluated differently as they should be. Its almost like college admissions have to right the inequities in high schools around the country. The myth is that these decisions are made solely on meritocracy.


Thanks for sharing info on merit. My kid was accepted without a merit offer (we did not submit a FAFSA/CSS).

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1560, 3.92 UW, 4.6 W ( school only shows UW on transcript), 12 APs (6 senior year), some local and state awards, good extracurriculurs (not outstanding). OOS west coast large public hs, school does not rank. NMSF. Did FAFSA.

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@AmyIzzy Yep, this is where we are with my daughter. She was accepted last night but she knew ahead of time and was okay with “No merit = no Fordham” if that’s what happens.

As a Fordham alum, it makes me sad that the price is so ridiculous that it won’t be an option. My oldest applied six years ago and same thing then, accepted, no merit, but got $7500 for attending a Catholic high school. Just couldn’t justify the cost when she had much better options from comparable schools.

Fordham is not off the table totally until we see the FA package, but disappointed since I had such a great experience there. Fortunately D23 has some great options (with merit!) from other schools so she is fine if financial aid doesn’t, and most likely won’t, make it affordable. It’s me the alum who is bummed!


DS in. Yay. (3.9,4.5,1520, v strong ECs). He is happy, but no mention of merit. Would not filing FAFSA affect scholarships?