Fordham vs UMass(Amherst) vs Marist vs Providence for Pre-Med

I am a senior in high school looking to go pre-med in college. At Fordham I would be a biological sciences major. At UMass I would be a Public Health Sciences major. At Marist I would be a Medical Technology major and at Providence I would be a Health Policy & Management major. I don’t want to focus on cost, location, or campus. I am simply looking for which college will give me the best educational experience and the best chances of getting into medical school. I would like to know about the environment in the classes (wether or not kids help each other or its cutthroat.) I would like to know which school gives the best chances for a good GPA and the the best opportunity to prepare for Med-school. Thank you.

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When you are going to med school, you always look at costs - unless your folks have $700 or $800K to spend.

I suggest if you are down to the end, that you contact each department or admissions and ask to speak to a student advisor - and then to directly ask.

While each school may have a different level of rigor (a previous poster said they left Marist due to a lack of it), pre med is going to be rigorous anywhere.

I would find the environment you want - obviously UMASS is different than Marist, etc.

So you need to focus on those other areas - because you will be there four years, day after day after day. Also, realize most pre-med will never sniff med school so you want to ensure they have other options if you decide not to go that route.


I’m confused. Why different majors at each of the different colleges? You can do “biological sciences”, for example, at any of those 4 colleges. So if that major at one college, why not all four?


Preparing for medical school is on YOU. The required courses for medical school applicants can be taken anywhere (arts conservatories excluded). They will be equally challenging at any of these schools.

So…where do you want to live for four years…because happy students tend to do better? Fordham is in NYC…a major metro area. Marist is in Poughkeepsie which is a smaller town. UMASS is in Amherst and is a town in and of itself. Providence is in…Providence. Not as large a metro are as Boston or NY, but still a city.

If you like things like hiking and skiing…UMASS or maybe Marist would be better than Fordham or Providence.

Do you want to live off campus at some point? If so…NYC will be much more costly to do so than the other three.

I guess what I’m saying is…put pre-med out of your equation…and look at the other qualities of these colleges.