<p>Currently, I'm in high school, but I hope to be able to attend UVA. Does anybody know anything about the foreign affairs of Middle East majors that wasn't on their site? Like how hard is it compared to other colleges' programs of the same nature, type of people working in that program, etc. </p>
<p>Also, has anybody had any experience in Shea House? What was it like?</p>
<p>Georgetown probably has a stronger Middle Eastern Studies Department. UVA does offer Arabic and Persian but not the more exotic Turkik languages like Georgetown. If your interested in the Central Asian side of things take a look at Indiana. They have the best program in the country. </p>
<p>One of the issues is finding and holding onto talented professors. Interest in the Middle East exploded after 9/11 and colleges scrambled to develop academic programs focusing on the region. There simply weren’t enough qualified professors to meet the new demand. If you look at our course catalog they just aren’t offering a lot classes.</p>