<p>are they hard / time consuming? i keep hearing that they are much more difficult than the high school level. is it really that bad?</p>
<p>im thinking of taking chinese 1A, so if anyone knows about that, that'd be helpful too :)</p>
<p>are they hard / time consuming? i keep hearing that they are much more difficult than the high school level. is it really that bad?</p>
<p>im thinking of taking chinese 1A, so if anyone knows about that, that'd be helpful too :)</p>
<p>Chinese 1A is really quite difficult if you don’t have any Chinese background. They expect you to learn to write a lot of characters; if you don’t have experience doing that, you might find this quite challenging.</p>
<p>The general difference between HS and college is speed. Span 1, for example, covers two years of typical HS Spanish.</p>