Foreign Language Dilemma

<p>I started German in middle school, and entered my freshman year of HS in German II. After sophomore year, I finished German III, so I had 3 years of a language. Because German is an unpopular language, German IV was offered only 1 period. I opted to drop German to accommodate my junior schedule.</p>

<p>However, I was able to fit in Latin I into my schedule, so foreign language wouldn't be completely absent. However, I am unsure whether to follow up and take Latin II as a senior.</p>

<p>I have three years of German, and could have two years of Latin if i choose to take it. Do the years of Latin really count if I have only gotten to level two? If I don't take Latin, I would take AP Environmental Science. Picking up German again is out of the question because I wasn't too great at it and a year without it would make it impossible.</p>

<p>What do you mean by “do they count?”</p>

<p>Is it worth taking a low level latin class in favor of enviro?</p>

<p>You’ve fulfilled your language requirements but your Latin isn’t invalidated as a result of that, it’s just an elective.</p>

<p>Honestly I’m sure people will tell you to take Enviro and others will even say Latin but it really comes to what you want to take and what you want. AP Enviro could help out in that you pick up some AP credit, but it’ll probably have more work that Latin. Then again knowing some Latin will help as well in life.</p>

<p>Yes, German 3 will count. Yes, Latin 2 will count, but not as much as a 3rd-4th year of the same language.</p>

<p>How many other years of sciences do you have?</p>

<p>I took integrated science freshman year, which has no lab. I have taken biology, honors physics, and plan to take AP physics B. I took chemistry over the summer for course credit. I do have 4 lab sciences including the summer course, but I think environmental is interesting and is a solid 4th lab science, if the summer chem course is questionable.</p>

<p>Personally, I would take AP ES, but only because that was similar to what I did. I was unable to start Spanish or take Spanish in junior high school or freshman year, I took AP classes instead. I still got into college. I think colleges want to see students who challenge themselves, whatever that may be.</p>