I know that the minimum requirement is 2 years, but do they look for more years when going through applications? Because i only have space for 6 courses in my schedule, and i wanted to take an AP science, but the only way i can take that is if i get rid of my foreign language (3H next year). Would having an AP science outweigh having another 2 years of a foreign language?
I know there are a couple different questions in there, answer whichever ones you can. Thanks so much.
If you intend on majoring in a STEM field, taking higher math and science courses will be more beneficial.
Yes, for GT at least, AP Science > Folang
I got accepted with only two years of foreign language, all standard level, non AP, non honors classes. Take the science or math courses instead. They’re a tech school, they care about STEM classes more than language.
Thank You all for your replies, it helped a lot and i am pretty sure which course i am choosing now. 
Take AP Physics or AP Chem!! Tech schools love to see these courses. It shows you have strong math skills. I’d definitely prioritize science and math over language.
Thanks for your replies guys, it helped me make my decision for next year. But as i go into my sophomore year, and the rest of high school, i have some questions that i could never really find an accurate answer to:
How many AP’s are good for acceptance, and is there a point at which taking any more will be useless?
What is an good weighted GPA on the GT GPA scale?
On the new revised 2016 SAT, is the 2100+ still good, or do will i need to score higher since it is more adept to modern times?
Do i need straight A’s, or are some B’s okay on my transcript?
I understand that i may not get all these answers, but any information about any of these questions would be greatly appreciated, thank you.