Foreign language in 7th and 8th grade

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I noticed that there is a section on the UC app for special courses in 7th and 8th gardes such as language an math. I’d I took two yers of a language in those grades and two years in high school do they count it as 4 years total? Or would it have been better to do all 4 years in highschool? Also, will they ask for junior high grades or anything as proof I took the classes I state or not?</p>


<p>If you took Language III and Language IV in HS, yes, UC will give you credit for four years of a-g courses. No, they will not ask for middle school transcripts.</p>

<p>But take the AP level if you can, so you finish the sequence.</p>

<p>Well my school is smaller and we don’t have language 4 yet, but I took the basics in 7th and 8th, and I did like a 2a and 2b a-g approved type thing, and I’m taking 3 this semester so it’s 4.5 years total. I’m also very fluent in that language and can read and write fluently.</p>

<p>Nope, if you are taking “3” this semester, it only counts as three years for UC purposes. Just bcos a standard HS year is spread out over two middle school years does not make it two years’s worth of a-g courses. If you are fluent, definitely take the Subject Test.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply. I actually took two different classes in middle school. Like a beginner lvl 1 and beginner lvl 2. Then in HS I took two years a-g and Im taking language 3 which is not a-g yet (my school is fairly new). I noticed that the 7th and 8th grades count for you on the application in terms of minimum requirment so the 2 more years in HS have to help me somehow right? </p>

<p>Also Im hating this language 3 class and I want to drop it after this semester. Would that be ok or an unwise decision. </p>
