<p>Hi guys,
I moved to the US from Pakistan and started my sophomore year in California. My counselor enrolled me in classes and I just went with them as I didnt know anything about the American education system. She did not enroll me in a foreign language class. As a Junior I am currently taking Spanish I and I need 3 years of foreign language for UCs and CSUs. I did take a language called Urdu in Pakistan for 7th, 8th and 9th grade. I was wondering if Urdu would count towards my a-g requirements?</p>
<p>I would take Urdu or Hindi at your local college. It counts as honors credits at my school</p>
<p>They stopped teaching urdu at my local college, thats what really sucks.
I hate budget cuts.</p>
<p>You only need 2 years of foreign language for UCs and CSUs. I know 3 is recommended, but I’m sure colleges will understand your situation so 2 should be completely fine.</p>
and do you think I would be able to take Spanish II over the summer?
I have a 4.0 currently</p>