DS and I are having a hard time figuring out whether or not he will be required to take a foreign language at UCI (it’s hard for us to interpret from the text) . He will have completed 4 years of ASL and plans to participate in any ASL/Deaf culture clubs or activities during his time at college. He’s really enjoyed it thus far.
It’s just a bummer UCI doesn’t offer ASL as a foreign language…he wants to plan if he needs to choose a language.
ETA: He would not be in School of Humanities
Is this where you are looking? Requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree < University of California Irvine
To me it looks like he needs to take one year of a language other than English (LOTE).
The courses listed are third quarter courses. So that would mean three quarter courses or one year of courses for an absolute beginner in the language.
But note that the page says that “Credit for three years of high school study or its equivalent in a single language other than English with a C average or better in the third year” also counts.
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Thanks for responding!
Yes, that’s the section we were viewing. We had thought that his 4 years of ASL would satisfy this condition (one of the six that would satisfy the foreign language requirement):
“ Credit for three years of high school study or its equivalent in a single language other than English with a C average or better in the third year.”
However, the opening paragraph to the foreign language requirement says this:
“ Students must demonstrate competency in a language other than English (includes American Sign Language) by completing one of the following six options:”
So we can’t tell if four years of ASL in high school would satisfy the requirement or not
In other words, the somewhat ambiguous wording of “Students must demonstrate competency in a language other than English (includes American Sign Language)” that could read either as:
- “[[language other than English] (includes American Sign Language)]” meaning that American Sign Language counts as a language other than English, or
- “language other than [English (includes American Sign Language)]” meaning that American Sign Language counts as English and therefore not a language other than English.
is the issue you are having.
In most UC contexts, American Sign Language is a language other than English, so the first reading is probably the intended one, but you may want to ask UCI directly to verify.
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Yes, thank you for so clearly articulating our confusion!
I’ll have DS ask!
Thanks for catching that. I will correct my post.
Yes, asking would be best. But I also suspect it means ASL is a language other than English so is eligible under the criteria.
(Side note - someone asked this at Purdue’s admitted student day on Monday and the admissions rep signed back a response).
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